View Full Version : Has anyone filled in a IB50 before?

30-06-07, 14:49

From around January 2007 I have been on Incapacity Benefit and Income Support, due to Depression, etc, because I have been on the sick for around 6 months I have to fill an IB50 in(form from the jobcentreplus).

I just wondered if anyone else has had any experience of the form before, or has filled it in.

Many Thanks


30-06-07, 15:43

You could try this link, theres some good tips:)



30-06-07, 15:46
I have recently gone through this process if I can help?

01-07-07, 02:12
Hi Shygirl

Thanks for the reminder, I had an IB50 form in the post early part of last week and haven't filled it in yet! I have been on incap benefit for 18 months, first for C.F.S and then agoraphobia the last year. What sort of help were you looking for? Just be honest, maybe they are looking to see if your circumstances haven't changed, apparently they send these forms out every so often.

Thanks honeybee for the link.

Take Care


02-07-07, 18:58
Hi Everyone

Thank you for your replies, I am really not sure if I should fill it in . I don't think my Dr is going to give me another sick note .

I suffer with depression, yes I have been given medication to take and it has helped a little bit(at least I sort of get up out of bed now, where as before I could stay in bed all day).

The only trouble is I worry all of the time about anything and everything, I don't enjoy things like I used to, don't have any confidence , I don't like answering the telephone unless I know who is ringing, and all what I can think of is the negative side of rather than the positive. I get upset over any slightest pathetic thing.

I have also started seeing a councillor , hopefully she can help me some of my problems. I don’t really feel up to work just yet.

I just don’t know really what to do, regarding filling the form in or not( I probably will not pass it anyway


05-07-07, 14:41
well try to fill it in and also explain to your doctor how you are feeling. You need money to live on so fill the forms in and everything will be fine.

The people who deal with these forms are usually very understanding, honestly they are.

Have you anyone who can support you and fill the forms or come to the doctor with you?

Don't give in. :hugs: