View Full Version : Painless ear infection??

21-01-18, 01:49
Is it possible to have an ear infection without any pain or fever? I've had a weird symptom for the past couple of weeks. When I burp or hiccup my left ear crackles and hurts and pops. I remember this feeling well from when I was little and would get ear infections, that was always one of the main symptoms, but also back then I would have a very obvious ear ache. Now, at this time, I don't have any pain other than when I hiccup.burp.

Last night I had a lot of fullness and pulsatile tinnitus in my ears and felt like I was going to have vertigo. This morning when I woke I had vertigo/room spinning. I'm no stranger to vertigo, several years ago I had many episodes of severe vertigo and ended up in the er a few times. So for this to come back after 6 years of being vertigo free is a nightmare.

I don't know if the latest symptom of crackling and pain when I hiccup is at all related to the fullness and tinnitus and vertigo and would like to think it is all somehow related to an ear infection that has no other symptoms (well, that sounds pretty unlikely I guess). Just looking for other opinions.

(Yes, I know I should see my doctor but right now I am between docs and won't be seeing my new one for another month. I was so hoping I wouldn't get sick in this in between time.)

28-01-18, 02:20
This is actually my first time posting here, but I am in the middle of a horrible ear infection right now. I have no pain or fever, and that's because my eardrum has a tiny hole (perforation) in it. I am on high dose antibiotics and an antibacterial ear drop. That said, the drainage and popping I'm having doesn't seem to be letting up so of course my anxiety is through the roof thinking I'm going to end up with meningitis or something. :unsure:

Anyway, my doctor said it was not uncommon to have an ear infection without fever or pain, so I thought this would help answer your question. :)

28-01-18, 15:18
Maria - thank you for your reply and I hope you are feeling better soon. I'm kind of reassured to know you can have an ear infection w/out pain or fever. My symptoms have gotten worse since I posted this. I'm having terrible noise sensitivity for one. I think I will go to urgent care and have them take a look.