View Full Version : injured tooth??????

21-01-18, 01:57
i ate very hard candies in december and since then one of my top left molars is “sensitive”. sometimes, when i chew, one side of my tooth hurts, and sometimes that happens when i eat cold things or if i just clench my teeth. the pain radiates in my gum, around the tooth (only on the side of the pain). sometimes that area burns, and it stops when i press that area with my tongue. the pain doesn’t stop me from eating normally but it worries my hyper focused mind, lol. i might have my yearly dental checkup soon, at least i hope, so i will ask them to check that out, but in the meantime, does anyone know what could be causing this? oh i forgot, i sometimes, though rarely, clench my teeth when i sleep, and since i started doing that, i have sensitive areas in my teeth, so maybe it’s linked.

21-01-18, 03:06
I also grind my teeth, and I have a habit of clenching my jaws when I am stressed (I often don’t even realize it). I have parts of my mouth that get super sensitive at times then goes away. In my case I think I occasionally bruises my gum when I clench my jaws, so that part of jaw (the gum and teeth above) get sensitive. However, since your sensitivity seems to be concentrated at one spot, and it sounds consistent, you should definitely get the dentist to check.

Multiple things can lead to sensitive teeth, from thinning enamel to small cracks. So it’s important to have your dentist check and determine the root cause. Most issues can be resolved easily these days, and most dentists are considerate of anxious patients, so you should be all good.

Since you grind your teeth, you should consider talking to your dentist about getting splint or nightguard for when you go to sleep. I find it helps my TMJ and prevents me from doing additional damage to my teeth.

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21-01-18, 03:11
thank you for your answer! although, i forgot to mention, it’s not always there. it comes and goes. it’s just that in this area it is worse. hopefully the dentist will schedule the appointment soon. i asked my mother about this, as she was a dentist before, and she says it seems like sensibility.

24-01-18, 22:22
i don’t know if it is me focusing too much on the tooth and making it hurt, but sometimes when i bite into something hard, this tooth hurts, and i can feel a slight popping feeling from the back of it when i pushing it with my finger, maybe because i push it with my bottom teeth sometimes when i am stressed. i am so scared it’s a tooth abscess, but the tooth looks healthy, i skip toothbrushing once every few weeks, and i dont floss everyday, but i brush generally two times a day and floss in the evening, the gum around it is healthy too, and the symptoms change quite a bit and are actually better than last month, so there’s chances it’s not that, but i am still very very scared. hopefully my checkup will be soon...