View Full Version : Advice on Gut Problems

21-01-18, 04:21
Hi everyone. This is going to be a long one!

A year ago I was suffering through the worst period of HA in my life. I managed to convince myself that I had breast cancer, lymphoma, ovarian cancer, ALS and brain cancer over the period of about 5 months. After my doctor put me on Zoloft, I've had a really good year. First year of full time work after uni, and overall it was great.

Towards the end of last year I felt my HA creeping up a bit. I was having some odd symptoms and the thought of leukaemia started popping into my head, so I went to the drs for a checkup and blood tests. She checked FBC, thyroid, iron levels, liver function, vitamin d - all fine.

In early December I was feeling quite stressed at work. My best friend left the company and I was going overseas just before Christmas (I've had a historic phobia of flying and while the Zoloft helps, it still weighs on my mind). I noticed around this time I had diarrhoea one day, and I noticed some mucus another day.

We went to Indonesia just before Christmas where I picked up some diarrhoea bug on our second day (which I took Imodium for and was fine), and then vomiting on our third last night. Since getting back, I've been noticing I have looser bowel movements every morning (often urgent) at almost exactly the same time. I'm usually fine for the rest of the day, or then alternate to constipation later on. I have been getting a bit of cramping beforehand and gas as well.

Went to the docs about this and she did more blood tests (FBC, liver function, kidney function, coeliac, some inflammation marker which she said would be up if I had an infection, iron/ferritin levels) and two stool samples. All blood tests came back perfect again, and stool samples only found a type of parasite which is apparently really common and the medical community doesn't even think it causes anything (blastocystis).

Of course my mind has jumped to bowel cancer even though it's very rare in my age group (im 24). I just can't put the symptoms down to anxiety because the Zoloft kind of dulls the anxiety if that makes sense. My questions are, do all stool tests check for occult blood? And, does this sound more like IBS to you? Trying to keep my anxious thoughts/behaviours under control, even though I'm scared to go to the toilet at the moment.

Thank you and appreciate this board so much! It has been a great help on some dark days :hugs:

au Lait
21-01-18, 04:50
My understanding is that mucous or red blood in stool can be caused by stress colitis, which is not serious or life threatening. It’s basically stress poop and clears up on its own. It’s nothing to worry about at all. :)

Have you tried taking a probiotic or eating yogurt with live cultures? Those things can often help.

21-01-18, 04:57
Like you said, bowel cancer in your age group is very rare. It sounds like you’ve been given the all clear by your GP, so it’s highly unlikely it’s actually something serious. I guess you can ask your GP if the stool test check for occult blood if you really want to, but bowel cancer is a very big leap. It is possible IBS is causing your symptoms. Have you also had any dietary changes? Are your still feeling stressed? Even though antidepressants can help dull my anxiety mentally, I find it doesn’t always dull my physical symptoms. It does give me a buffer to help manage my symptoms (e.g. trying rational thinking, coping strategies, etc.) My anxiety sometimes manifests as IBS, and psyllium and probiotic supplements have helped. Perhaps they’re something you can chat to your GP about.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

21-01-18, 06:36
Thanks both for your replies. Ryan, what you said about the antidepressant dulling mental anxiety but not the physical symptoms is true for me too. I've been feeling a bit panicky and down lately, and can definitely notice the churning stomach etc at times. I've seen some stuff about the benefits of psyllium so might give it a try

21-01-18, 11:00
I've had a couple of stool tests recently, one for FOBT and one for faecal calprotectin. I suspect one of your's will have been FOBT (I may be wrong...)

I have similar symptoms - IBS. You can get something called post-infectious IBS, which is how I got mine. It's where the lining of the bowel is left more sensitive after an infection, such as you've described.

I had norovirus really, really badly - so bad I projectile vomited in front of hundreds of people at my local airport. Needless to say, I didn't get on my flight...:ohmy:

21-01-18, 23:03
Thanks Wilky, I guess that makes sense. I had read a bit about post infectious IBS and wondered if that could be it. It's just really distressing as the symptoms seem to continue every day, and I'm obsessing over it 24/7, worrying that the next time I might see blood etc.

21-01-18, 23:07
If it's any consolation, I've had 7 months of it. Some days are better than others.

I now know that coffee is a no no anymore, and anything with a hint of spice in it. And blueberries for some damn reason

Hidden gem
21-01-18, 23:57
Suffering at the moment with loose stool
, and excessive gas . I had a colonoscopy last week and it was clear . They say IBS and it’s worse when your anxiety is high .

22-01-18, 07:29
Thanks all. Really hoping that all it is is caused by underlying anxiety. I'm obsessing about it too now which probably isn't helping matters

Hidden gem
22-01-18, 09:21
Yeah I do that , and get myself in a state . All
I think about is my next BM. Will it have blood in , why am I going so much . The crazy thing is I feel bonkers but can’t stop
How I think :(