View Full Version : Strange pain/discomfort in head/neck

21-01-18, 07:22
Woke up this morning with a strange pain, it’s behind my ear so basically in my head and neck, i had a headache I couldn’t shift yesterday and now I’ve woken up with this. It’s reallt hard to figure exactly where the pain is coming from, there’s some pressure as well. I’m on the verge of a panic attack, pleasenhelp

22-01-18, 10:43
You're probably sleeping in a weird position. You also might be tensed from all the anxiety

22-01-18, 15:40
Sounds like you slept funny.

24-01-18, 11:21
They feel like lead and so heavy. My arms and legs are getting fatigue really quick after doing normal things like washing my hair or picking up my!6 month old. Right now my legs are aching and all I did was squat down on the floor to look in the back of a cupboard! I did it three times but surely it wouldn’t make my legs feel like heavy and lead like. I’m so scared 😭

---------- Post added at 11:21 ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 ----------

This Is never ending! And I googled it and it said MS!

24-01-18, 11:31
And I googled it

I'm giving you a stern look here Chlobo... :lac:

Again, the answer to this is the same as every other thread you've posted.

24-01-18, 12:04
Hey, I get this a lot. Sometimes after a shower I have to lie down. It used to worry me a lot but I think we are constantly putting our bodies under so much strain from anxiety, we can hardly be surprised when it plays up and is tired like this.

Try come here before google, it helps me to preserve my sanity a bit. OR get a loved one who is of rational thinking (non anxiety) mind to google it and let them decide if they are worried. Hope you feel better soon xx

24-01-18, 12:07
Try come here before google, it helps me to preserve my sanity a bit. OR get a loved one who is of rational thinking (non anxiety) mind to google it and let them decide if they are worried. Hope you feel better soon xx

Though the ultimate aim is to reduce reassurance behaviours like these, whoever's fingers are doing the Googling. Every time you ask someone to reassure you you're training the brain that the thoughts deserve action, and that your own judgement isn't valid enough.

24-01-18, 12:25
But what could cause this? Feels like arms and legs are going to give way xx

24-01-18, 12:32
But what could cause this? Feels like arms and legs are going to give way xx

You could read the replies people have given to your previous questions, rather than repeatedly posting for reassurance every time you get a body sensation, as it's the same answer?

I don't say that to be mean, just you're a new poster getting into a very self-destructive habit here.

24-01-18, 12:43
You have a 6-month-old so chances are you're busy constantly. A child that age will add stress to your life as this is the most difficult time (actually, I lie, when they turn into teenagers is worse). Do you get help from OH so you can rest?

24-01-18, 16:44
I don’t have have an other half to help me, I’m a single Mum and my kids rely solely on me.
I forced myself out the house and the feeling went away!

24-01-18, 16:55

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.
