View Full Version : Feeling like i cant do much anymore, is this normal?

21-01-18, 12:23
alright guys im a 16-year-old whos anxiety started at college with violent intrusive thoughts, it went to focussing on colours etc and overthinking,sexual thoughts etc. that was just the start recently everything feels weird for me and I feel a bit detached from the outside world and have random panic for no reason which could be about anything. the thought of going outside makes me feel anxious (probably because I feel worse when I go outside so I associate it with panic) sometimes when I go outside I feel constantly dizzy, nauseous and blurred but this is not the case all the time. I feel like I'm forcing myself to do things like I forced myself to go on 6 dog walks yesterday which were longer than normal to prove I'm not scared of going outside. is this normal for someone with severe anxiety? I also feel no motivation to do anything. ( i can still do everything and am trying to keep a strong mindset) most of this panic is centralized around what if, for example, what if I'm scared to go outside because I'm scared of the sky? what if I stop moving and cant get home or do anything?(as I feel like for the most part controlling some of my subconscious movements) I know these thoughts are irrational but I cant sift them out of my mind as a new panic always comes. (most of the feelings of panic last for 1 second and then go and i forget what the panic was about) I have already sought help for this site and have a CAMHS appointment but the NHS is shite and I have to wait 2 months is anyone else's panic this bad or am I looking to be in a straight jacket this time next week. ATB Declan :)

25-01-18, 17:37
Hello, and welcome. You wont be needing a straight jacket anytime soon. My advice would be keep doing exactly what you are doing. The moment you stop challenging it, it will try to take over. I suffer like this EVERY year around Jan, and at times, even though its nothing new to me, each time seems the worst when in the midst of it. It is JUST ANXIETY, and dont let your brain try to trick you into thinking its anything more. Its probably the hardest battle you will ever face, but you can win, and start enjoying life again
All the very best, Ade

25-01-18, 17:57
No straight jacket for you, they don't restrain people with anxiety disorders :) The number of people who have written here over the years 'am I going nuts', 'am I crazy', 'Am I psychotic' (ok, on a mental health level we of course don't still use those unhelpful terms like nuts and crazy, but you get what I mean). They aren't, and you aren't going to be sectioned. Hospital psychiatric wards are under space pressure even for the patients who have organic serious psychiatric conditions, not for those who have 'only' an anxiety disorder. I say 'only', not to lack empathy about what a hell it can be, but to make clear that anxiety disorders are conditions for which mostly community living is better and appropriate.

Do you know, I think you are doing amazingly well! I think to be feeling the way you are and getting out there, into the open and fresh air to 'prove' to yourself its just anxiety is a really positive approach. If you continue to challenge yourself in this way about all aspects of your anxiety, then you will be going into any therapy sessions (sorry, I don't know what the acronym means?) with a strong mindset and a definite ability to put into practice what you are advised. Has anyone been this bad? Oh yes, mostly the same, but often hugely worse.

28-01-18, 21:27
Hi Decco . Wow sounds like you are having a rough one, ive had anxiety on and of for almost a decade since i was 19 i am now 29 i would just like to share some things with you .

Overthinking , remuneration is one of the first things that happen , it was my forst sign i used to obsess in school about work i could not understand , i used to study stop in the middle of a book because there was one thing that did not make sense to me.

The outside thinkg is super common and to me the diziness and confusion of it was one of my worst feeling , this stems from a fear response , Being in the open and easily vunralble tto any "predators" your body mind is trying to force you to find cover.

When you are anxious your vision changes to become more aware of everything around you , this can cause that foggy dazed feeling.

I used to forget peolpes names when i got anxious lol its crazy what it can do to you.

Your what ifs ( as im sure you will learn from counselings ) is a hallmark trait of anxiety ( i myself awoke each morning and the first thing i did was open the front door , in case i had a heart attact and needed to see a doctor i could get out easy , i would shower as fast as i could because what if i something happens and then i still have to get dressed before i can get help....i should be in a jacket too right?

Its great that you continue to walk your dog, with anxiety as im sure most will tell you the best thing is to face it , sit through it and not react on it, and this takes alot of practice. What happens is crazy panic attack thoughts and feelings become senseless noise and excitement .

You cannot control the thoughts in your brain , but you can control your reactions.
You can control your perception. I myself found my "cure " in acceptance , you i feel offish , yea my body is responding wrongly , yea my mind is having thinking crazy things ....most people do ....and most people dont pay attention to it. You see you have the have put the magnifying glass on all these things and thats the issue.

You can remove that magnifying glass too , with time.

Ps I have never met a crazy person who thinks they are crazy , by definition , crazy people think they are sane , so if you think you're losing it ...you arent.

I hope this helps , i am no doc but it IS always good to rule out any medical conditions , and then also go to the root of your anxiety , it could be your depression is caused by something and you dpression is causing the anxiety or the other way around.

There is alot of help out there on this , but never lose trust in yourself , and confidence in yourself to work your way out of a hard time.

I can tell you now the problem with most of us depressed or anxious people is our lack of belief in how strong we are and how much control we still have. You just need the tools to work with and you gain them.

06-02-18, 17:39
Thanks for thr replys everyone i started managing it and was feeling very good the lastfew weeks i was kinda happy but i could feel the anxiety starting to come back and it has come back but it was after i went to a party where i drunk and smoked a lot of weed. it tends to be the case that drinking alters my mindset which lasts for a while after and it sucks that i cant enjoy a party because i know whats to come after. im not going to drink anymore until i sort this out. ATB :)

06-02-18, 17:44
I think that's very sensible........I'm afraid to say that alcohol and cannabis can certainly cause anxiety states. Some people say it helps with it, but certainly for some susceptible people it has the opposite effect and there are studies to prove this. Can I ask though ? Why do you need to have both to enjoy a party? (You can call me old fashioned at this point)

09-02-18, 23:13
didn't really want to go to the party i had a bad feeling, i wasnt really bothered about the weed but i though **** it and i was a bad decision. the alcohol would have been enough as i had like 13 cans. alcohol helps but the weed was a bad decision like i havea few chilled beers on a weekend

10-02-18, 15:29
i had like 13 cans

:ohmy: That's a LOT of beer! Anyone would feel off consuming that much! Good to see you're reconsidering self medicating.

Positive thoughts

10-02-18, 18:48
i have a feeling it was jthe nicotine as well as nici rushes make me feel panicked as they come out of nowhere and make you feel light headed
that crap messed me up as i now jump to conclusions in thought like if i had a panic feeling about a thought i instantly jump to conclusions that im scared of it and then think what it could lead to for example if get a panic feeling for going outside i think im scared of the sky and i then think about what if i cant go outside etc and that everythng will get worse im seriously considering calling the crysis team at this point because its getting out of hand ill see how it goes though.

12-02-18, 16:17
starting to have enough of this any advice
hi guys recently my anxiety has got worse, it seems i am in a constant state of panic over my thoughts and it has got to the point where i think i am panicking about thinking and doing everyday stuff like drinking, eating, talking and going outside the house. it started last week after a party and has been getting worse. for example i feel anxious and have a thought at the same time and i dont know if the panic is because i am anxious or because of the thought i then jump to a conclusion that i am scared of what i panic about which leads me to think what would happen of i was scared about the though like if i was scared of movement i would be confined to my bed and if i was scared of speaking i would never get better as i weouldnt be able to tell people what is wrong which is terryfying. i am 16 and am meant to be enjoying my life and i am struggling to get through every day and don't feel like its worth going on. when i think about doing something i get a panic feeling so i don't want to do much. can someone offer advice because i don't know what to do anymore and this is driving me insane. i dont think that anything anyone could do could help me now.

---------- Post added at 16:04 ---------- Previous post was at 16:00 ----------

i have an appointment to see CAHMS but it is a month away and i dont think i can last i have been dealing with this for months. is this bad enough to call the crysis team?

12-02-18, 20:59
i have an appointment to see CAHMS but it is a month away and i dont think i can last i have been dealing with this for months. is this bad enough to call the crysis team?

Only you can determine that but if you really feel that badly, then yes, pick up the phone. There are some FREE CBT workbooks (http://cbt4panic.org/) here that may help but you have to be in the right mindset to work on them.

Positive thoughts

11-03-18, 04:07
Hi Deco nope no straight jacket for you, that is typical panic and anxiety and depression, I hope you are doing much better. Also panic about going out, that is agoraphobia, at least that is what it is for me.

19-03-18, 22:46
yea its just up and down mainly atm i am overthinking especially about the environment around me. the most recent thought is thinking about how stuff gets larger as you are closer to it. its really weird and i know its irrational to think of this thought this way and that its just a normal thought but i cant stop thinking about it. i went to my CAHMS appointment and have some CBT booked for some time next month hopefully that makes a difference.

20-03-18, 21:15
Hi Decco,
It sounds to me like you have classic anxiety disorder(though I guess you know that) I think most people offering advice on this site have felt something of what you're experiencing. I believe I have had anxiety since I was a small child. And I can tell you that I'm now almost 50 and I still have it. But I'm still here, I've survived. So will you. You will live the life you need to live. Having a chronic illness like anxiety means that maybe you'll have to approach some aspects to living slightly differently. This phase of your life may pass and you might not have anxiety ever again, which could be the case for you.
But what I'm trying to say is you are not alone, what you are feeling is what I've felt too. And it's horrible isn't it? This is a crazy modern world we live in and I'm surprised more people don't feel like we do.
All the best x