View Full Version : Tooth ache and abscess

21-01-18, 18:10
Pretty sure I have an abscess, top left the pain is unreal and the swelling is in the roof of my mouth in a few parts. Worried it’s mouth cancer or something and if it is an abscess it will spread to my brain. Can’t see my dentist till tomo. Swallowing is horrendous

21-01-18, 18:24
Try and calm down, if it's an abscess it'll be painful but it'll get sorted by the dentist. Catastrophising it into cancer is hugely irrational.

22-01-18, 17:43
Just been to dentist where they removed my tooth, took an X-ray and could see the infection. Said the throbbing and swelling in my palatte will do down as the tooth is out now my body will fight the infection.. the anesthetic hasn’t even worn off and the roof of my mouth is throbbing! I asked for anti bios and he said my body will fight it. I’m so scared this will spread to my brain or sepsis

22-01-18, 18:01
I am quite suprised they didn't offer an antibiotic course to be honest, was this your usual trusted dentist? The usual practice is to give anti-biotics before tooth removal in order to get the infection sorted first. I didn't notice which country you were in, I'm currently presuming UK, I would see how it is tomorrow and go to your GP and request an antibiotic course for a dental abscess. Yes, of course your body does fight infection and in most healthy individuals this is what happens, but you are clearly in a lot of pain and I don't think its fair to leave it without treatment and wait for things to take their course and nature to heal it.

OK you are in the UK I just checked. Did they say it was an abcess or just infection? (the abcess is a more extreme form)

22-01-18, 18:23
I am quite suprised they didn't offer an antibiotic course to be honest, was this your usual trusted dentist? The usual practice is to give anti-biotics before tooth removal in order to get the infection sorted first. I didn't notice which country you were in, I'm currently presuming UK, I would see how it is tomorrow and go to your GP and request an antibiotic course for a dental abscess. Yes, of course your body does fight infection and in most healthy individuals this is what happens, but you are clearly in a lot of pain and I don't think its fair to leave it without treatment and wait for things to take their course and nature to heal it.

OK you are in the UK I just checked. Did they say it was an abcess or just infection? (the abcess is a more extreme form)

To be honest I'd trust the dentist's judgement...

22-01-18, 18:23
Said the roots were infected causing the abscess :-( going to be a long night.. I’ll see my dr tomo

22-01-18, 19:53
Warm salty water mouth gargles, hold the warm water over the painful area and it will draw out any infection. Try panadol from the chemist, better than paracetamol and ibuprofen and recommended by dentists for pain

22-01-18, 22:03
They are not meant to pull a tooth with an infection. And they most definitely should have gave you antibiotics. At least that's what I was always taught.

Chris 614
22-01-18, 22:36
I had an abscess several months ago. The dentist pulled it and said there was no need for antibiotics. And he was right. It healed just fine. The swelling took a little while to disappear, but the pain was minimal once the tooth was pulled.

23-01-18, 07:37
The roof of my mouth where the abscesses are is still throbbing. When I start moving it gets worse �� think I must need something to get rid of it. My body clearly can’t fight it

Chris 614
23-01-18, 08:03
Did you say you were going to the doctor today?

23-01-18, 08:06
The roof of my mouth where the abscesses are is still throbbing. When I start moving it gets worse �� think I must need something to get rid of it. My body clearly can’t fight it

Sorry, how long have you given it?

23-01-18, 08:50
Yes at 3.. started on Friday. Tooth pulled yesterday, bubbles in mouth literally whole palette still throbbing and worse when I move about

23-01-18, 09:23
Yes at 3.. started on Friday. Tooth pulled yesterday, bubbles in mouth literally whole palette still throbbing and worse when I move about

If you had a tooth pulled yesterday I don't think you should panic if your mouth still hurts!

23-01-18, 09:37
It’s my palette! Throbbing and hot. Feels full of infection

Chris 614
23-01-18, 10:18
See what your doctor says. I'm not surprised there is pain and throbbing. You just got the tooth pulled. Are you taking any anti inflammatory medication? Stress will not help the pain. Try to calm down. An infection is not going to your brain.

23-01-18, 10:37
Well, I'd be off to the doctor too to be honest if its as bad as you describe......it will probably heal naturally in good time but why wait and be in pain for longer? I too was always told that they treat for infection before pulling a tooth, like wiredincorrectly said, but I checked on a dental forum I use and it says that acute infections are prescribed but chronic ones sometimes are not. SO, I guess its down to if your dentist thought it was 'chronic' or 'acute' ?! It seems some prefer to let the body try fight the infection first, and use antibiotics as a last resort. BTW it won't 'get to your brain and become sepsis' that is very very rare and only in people who leave rotted and infected teeth for a long time untreated. This is why I asked if this dentist was a long time dentist for the OP, who was trusted. I've learnt through some bad experiences, that not all dentists are equal, but if it is someone who has done accurate and careful work for the OP before, then they are to be trusted.

23-01-18, 15:55
I'd have went back to the dentist to get amoxicillin. That's what I had. My dentist refused to pull my tooth until the infection had cleared. The reason I say visit the dentist is because most doctors refuses to prescribe anything for a tooth infection. Hopefully this doesn't happen to you but I see you're in the UK too.

Here's the reason why (BMA guide actually advises doctors to not deal with dental issues): http://www.pulsetoday.co.uk/your-practice/dilemmas/can-i-refuse-to-treat-a-dental-abscess/20033688.article

23-01-18, 21:56
What was the outcome of your doctor visit today?

Ahhhhh well......another 'never hearing the end of the story' .