View Full Version : Help. Absolutely Terrified I Have Meningitis!

22-01-18, 02:54
First of all, I'm very happy I found this site. I have suffered with anxiety all of my life. No one around me understands. My mother and father were both hypochondriacs and would rush me to the doctor at the slightest fever or sign of illness. This, as you can clearly see, has unfortunately had a lasting effect on me.

My symptoms started a week ago. There is a viral stomach infection going around and I had it. I didn't really think much else of it but then I started to have chills and general body aches. The stomach issues subsided and in its place came back pain and neck pain. I don't know if you would really call it stiffness but since I don't exactly know what they mean by stiffness, I won't rule it out. I have had minor headaches but nothing I would label as "severe." I do still have the chills sometimes and achey and tired feeling but so far thankfully my temperature has not gone above 99.4°

I Googled my symptoms. Diagnoses? Meningitis. Now I'm absolutely terrified I have it and I'm going to die any moment. My husband is not supportive at all and keeps trying to to get me to rush to the ER. I know that they do a spinal tap to test for meningitis and I have heard how excruciatingly painful that is plus I have a HUGE needle phobia so I'm stuck. In a battle with my mind. Having anxiety attacks going on 3 days thinking I'm dying. That my almost 2 year old will be left motherless.

Please someone, anyone. Words of comfort and advice? I'm really having a battle here....

22-01-18, 06:32
It sounds more like you caught the flu or perhaps the stomach flu. Stiff neck means stiff like you can't move it.. You know how sometimes you sleep the wrong way and when you wake up, your neck is really stiff, it's hard to move and is uncomfortable when you do. I doubt you have what you fear but if you get to feeling really bad, get checked out.

Oh and people like us should not Google symptoms..

22-01-18, 06:39
Hey there,

Sorry to hear how distressed you are, after having a meningitis fear about two years ago I have read quite a lot about it and worried myself sick over nothing. Bacterial meningitis is the most serious form of it, and the symptoms come on rapidly and get worse very very quickly. If you had it you would absolutely know. You wouldn’t even be able to type on here yet alone look at a screen, you would be seriously ill and there wouldn’t be any doubt about it. There is however, a viral form. It mimics a lot of the same symptoms of it but is actually something you can fight off yourself. Only a doctor can tell the difference and it’s actually more common than you think. Not to say I think you have it, viral meningitis would make you feel practically exhausted and totally out of it. I think what you have is a case of the flu, I know how hard it is to believe this but from what you describe this sounds extremely likely. Please try not to panic, and if you get really ill to be point of becoming delirious then you obviously would need medical attention immediately. Not to say that’s gonna happen. But I think anyone would do the same. Try to take deep breaths and stay wrapped up warm, you are going to be fine. Take care :hugs:

22-01-18, 09:23
You've had a temperature and fever, this causes body aches and pains of the type you are describing. Over Christmas we all had flu for a couple of weeks, and my daughter had days of a high temperature, she complained exactly as you are of her neck and back aching along with general stiffness in limbs. Has the fever gone now?

22-01-18, 12:00
It comes and goes. 99.4 is the highest it has been, though. Thank you all for the kind words. I've tried to rationalize this to myself but as you all probably know when you're having health anxiety that's pretty difficult to do. Woke up with neck and back pain still there and a slight headache. No other symptoms. I have lost so much sleep over this and we're heading into day 4 now. 😢

22-01-18, 12:13
It comes and goes. 99.4 is the highest it has been, though. Thank you all for the kind words. I've tried to rationalize this to myself but as you all probably know when you're having health anxiety that's pretty difficult to do. Woke up with neck and back pain still there and a slight headache. No other symptoms. I have lost so much sleep over this and we're heading into day 4 now. ��

Take care and don´t Google your symptoms. I hope you feel fine in a couple of days and take some rest.

Maybe take a hike outside when you feel better? It helps me when health anxiety is attacking me.
