View Full Version : Neck Lump

22-01-18, 08:20

So i have had this cyst like lump on my neck which has been causing me a lot of health anxiety. I have another cyst but its much smaller in size and easy to move around. This one is larger and higher up. I have been feeling it a lot i wouldn't say its overly painful but does get sore.

I have also had a stuffy nose that comes an goes, and as i posted about before headaches. I know I have health anxiety and that these symptoms are probably un related but It has been on my mind a lot lately.

I want to go to the doctors but also feel silly because i always get told its nothing.

Anyway some help would be appreciated :)

22-01-18, 09:53
Might be a swollen lymph node from an infection. They could also become swollen and painful if you keep messing with it.

22-01-18, 12:36
Hi there.. about 3 years ago i woke up with a large cyst in my neck.... was a big branchial cleft cyst... popped up after head cold... had to have it surgically removed after seeing an ENT specialist... go get it checked out... I'm sure its nothing.... i worried about all the big fears but it didnt change what it would be or what they could do.. was the size of about a big hens egg... good luck. I'm sure all will be well.. oh and yes dont touch or poke it... will make it worse.. i learnt the hard way lol...

23-01-18, 13:02

I went to the doctors today! i feel like it hasn't really relaxed me, cus she was asking me questions like how have you been feeling in general, have you been getting any night sweats, etc etc! she said its likely to be a cyst or a lymph node an that the only way they would know for certain is to cut it out and that that would be a last last resort due to blood vessels in the neck!

Anyway i just feel like i can feel it constantly and its putting me really on edge :( plus with anxiety i feel like i often feel unwell so when they ask questions such as how are you feeling in general idk i there actual symptoms or just anxiety and it makes me really sad :(

23-01-18, 20:52
Yes mine was sitting right under the arteries and nerves so it was a delicate operation.... Head and Neck surgeon did the operation... i had an ultra sound and biopsy done before a CT scan etc then surgery.... my suggestion is to not touch ut etc and if it's causing you lots of Anxiety to ask for a ENT referral or biopsy on it.

23-01-18, 22:20
Hey there,

I know the anxiety lumps caused from personal experience! I’ve had a lump in my lower left leg for about a year now that isn’t visible when my leg is relaxed pops out when I’m standing or flexing my leg. Had an ultrasound as I was convinced it was vascular/cancerous. Was neither of the two and is most likely an ingrown hair or muscle hernia as it gets achy when I exert a lot of pressure on it. Of course I could have surgery to sew up the torn wall of it but I personally will live with it for a while longer unless it causes symptoms when I’m just walking. Please try not to worry, it’s most likely a lipoma Hun. The doctor knows what they are looking for when it’s sinister hence the questions. Of course if it is really stressing you out go back and explain your worries. I know it’s hard but this will pass I promise. Stay strong