View Full Version : Why I Feel That I Have Aspergers

22-01-18, 12:32
The list just keeps growing. But here's a few aspie symptoms that I fully identify with -

restless leg syndrome. Had this since I was a kid

nervous laugh - again, as long as i can remember, my only ticket for dealing with conversations when i really can't comprehend what's going on. Not the best when someone tells you about their dying granddad.

Complete avoidance of conflict - very real.

phone conversation phobia

skin picking (a form of stim maybe?)

teeth grinding (again, a stim?)

slow processing - I can find a relevant response to a conversation days later, much slower at tasks than those around me. Can still be processing the first sentence of someones conversation an hour later, completely missing the rest of what they had to say.

Memory issues - forgetting everything from where I put my keys/phone, forgetting to reply to emails/texts, forgetting to pay bills ect (the list goes on)

Take things literally. Someone said to me online other day they live down the road from me. I literally thought he knew exactly where i lived... but then realised they actually meant they live in a neighbouring town.

Don't like people touching me, always awkward when other people want hugs and i am extremely sensitive down my right side and cant even touch myself properly without flinching/spasming

Im 32, male and I sleep with cuddly toys (although, i prefer to call them 'plushies' ;) )

I have very particualr ways of doing things and very reluctant to do them any other way, as well as having routines that I will religiously follow

Change is difficult.

It takes me years to build myself up to go get a haircut

I can't stop obsessing about it. And i'm doing so because i'm on a waiting list for an assessment and the waiting is just agony (not a patient person by all means)

I guess I'm looking for people to agree with me... but I doubt that would achieve anything. Perhaps a peace of mind, or reassurance? I don't know. Just worried the assessment will come out negative and I fear that it just is anxiety and nothing else at the end of the day and I'll be stuck in a never ending loop of trying to fix it and never getting anywhere :( Without an answer to all my problems, I feel so unstable. There has to be an underlying reason for my anxieties in the first place. I don't in any way associate with NT's... it's like they're a whole different breed.

22-01-18, 17:05
That was a bit unusual post to see on this forum. Not sure if anyone can be of much help here as this is a board dominated wuth hypocondriacs. There are other forums though that you can get a lot more useful help with such questions.

I think no other than a profesional psychologist or psychiatriest can determine whter you have aspergers or not. Such qualifications are not prevelant on this board I am afraid.

23-01-18, 02:30
That was a bit unusual post to see on this forum. Not sure if anyone can be of much help here as this is a board dominated wuth hypocondriacs. There are other forums though that you can get a lot more useful help with such questions.

I think no other than a profesional psychologist or psychiatriest can determine whter you have aspergers or not. Such qualifications are not prevelant on this board I am afraid.

There are several on here either with Aspergers or who have children who have it so hopefully one of them can offer some insight.

As for the skin picking, that's a disorder all on it's own but it can be experienced alongside other mental disorders. I do it.

23-01-18, 02:48
My brother is autistic. I have a pretty strong history of working with people on all areas of the autism spectrum, including Aspergers. That being said, I’m really not sure that’s a diagnosis that can be made on an Internet forum. It’s wonderful that you are in the queue for an assessment, that’s going to be the best way for you to receive your diagnosis. In the meantime, try not to stress over it too much and understand that assistance for all spectrum disorders has come such a long way over the last few years!! Even if you are on the spectrum, it’s definitely not the end of the world for you. Find someone that specializes in that area and it will make a huge difference! Best wishes!

23-01-18, 14:28
Thank you for your replies. I have days where I just obsess and obsess and obsess and it drives me crazy. Unlike today when I feel a bit more chilled and content. Just wish I knew how to direct my energy in a different, more productive direction when i get that way (very often)

23-01-18, 22:18
There is something I dont really understand here. Are you afraid of having aspergers? If so, why? It is a mental condition, it is not a dangerous disease that will kill you. Are you worried about a potential stigma for having such a diagnosis? You should not, because there are a lot of great names in history that probably had aspergers.

Some of the things you mention could very well point to aspergers, but it does not nescesarily mean that you have that condition. But the only ones who can give you a reliable answer to that is profesionals of course.

24-01-18, 10:10
There is something I dont really understand here. Are you afraid of having aspergers? If so, why? It is a mental condition, it is not a dangerous disease that will kill you. Are you worried about a potential stigma for having such a diagnosis? You should not, because there are a lot of great names in history that probably had aspergers.

Some of the things you mention could very well point to aspergers, but it does not nescesarily mean that you have that condition. But the only ones who can give you a reliable answer to that is profesionals of course.

I'm not afraid of having aspergers at all, and not entirely sure why you think that?

What i'm more concerned about is that it is just anxiety and nothing else - at all - and I have tried so many times over the course of the last 10+ years to combat the stress and anxiety that I have with absolutely no positive outcome. If there is no underlying condition causing it, then I truly am stuck with feeling this way with absolutely no relief or mechanisms to cope for the rest of my life. I have pushed myself so hard to fit into a society that I am not wired for, for my entire life and now in my adult life it's really starting to take it's toll and I am crumbling. I don't want to try anymore, i'm fed up of trying. It's too hard, I am exhausted.