View Full Version : Neck lump?

30-06-07, 20:22
Found what feels like a little lump on my neck :ohmy: ....it's on the left hand side, just behind the big muscle that goes down the side of your neck - feels almost like it could be part of the muscle. Doesn't hurt, isn't visible and I can only really feel it with my fingertips. Also feels different depending on if I move my head about. Sometimes can't feel it at all.

Course I've done the daft thing and Googled and have decided all lumps = you-know-what. Looking for a bit of reassurance if anything : has anyone had anything similar?

Have had a cough and catarrhy troubles (have allergy problems in summer) over last week or two if that's connected in any way...

geordie flower
30-06-07, 22:26
hiya, i think i know wat you are talking about, ive also got a little lump on the left hand side of my neck like u describe ive had mine ova 7 years now neva got any bigger sometimes its there and sometimes i dont seem to feel it, ive neva been to docs with it, like u said tho it does feel like its part ov my muscle, ive neve been to docs about it, i kinda try not to think much about it nd i think if it was something bad it wud have grown by now! hope this helps take care tracey x

04-07-07, 02:21
Couldn't think what it might be, so I had a feel of my own neck, and LO--there are lots of little lumpy bits, so maybe it's something that's supposed to be there. If you're really worried about it though, see your doc, people go to them all the time with worries like this, so he/she should be able to reassure you.

04-07-07, 21:36
I did go to the Doc in the end. Sat there in the waiting room convinced it was going to be bad news.

Got a very nice Doc who had a look and doesn't think it's a dodgy lump. I'm still terrified mind.

Apparently if it grows or starts hurting I've to go back and it should go down in a month.

I'm now doing that "well I'll be terrified for a month now and it must be serious" thing. :wacko:

06-07-07, 12:42
Hi there,

I have had something similar, a lump apeard just below my jaw bone on the right hand side, it was sore. I did at that time play a waiting game, it stayed there for about mmm a week then went. This has happend about 3 times in the past 3 years.

The only thing I could put it down to was a virus, allthough I did not feel ill at the time of the lump, my thoughts where, maybe I had a little viruse and my lumpth gland had swollen, which they do when you get a viruse, but I did notice that when highly stressed this happend too. Maybe it has something to do with your allergies and your gland has swollen?

The hardest thing for you right now is playing the waiting game, I know its dame hard but try and not to worry.

Please let us know how you get on.

You take care and most of all, BE KIND TO YOURSELF.


16-07-07, 05:20
I think if anyone has a lump appear they should see a Doctor ASAP.

If your lump is still there in a month, whether it's grown or is painful or not, I'd insist, not just ask, on seeing a specialist unless the Doc is absolutely sure what it is. More often than not it's not going to be anything serious but it really isn't worth taking any chances.

16-07-07, 09:29
Maybe your lump is a gland. You often get enlarged glands in your neck if you are a bit run down. My son used to get them alot and then they disappeared for a while when he got better.

:hugs: TC xxxxxxxxx

16-07-07, 20:28
I have been a bit run down lately .... and I did have a cough/throaty thing going on for a few weeks right before this lump appeared.

It's still there, no bigger, no smaller -still not visible. I spent about the first 10 days fiddling with it constantly (which can't help) but am now getting to the stage where I can put it out of my mind.

I've noticed it seems a little flexible - which has cheered me up as i've googled (I know, I know, bad bad bad) and I think nasties tend to be more solid and deep rooted.

I'm still keeping a close eye on it but have decided not to go flying back early to the doc tomorrow like I was going to.

02-08-07, 08:28
COuld be limp nodes from allegies or cold..catching the impurities but sounds like to me what you are feeling is a part of your muscle and artery..Pretty normal.. Michael

Found what feels like a little lump on my neck :ohmy: ....it's on the left hand side, just behind the big muscle that goes down the side of your neck - feels almost like it could be part of the muscle. Doesn't hurt, isn't visible and I can only really feel it with my fingertips. Also feels different depending on if I move my head about. Sometimes can't feel it at all.

Course I've done the daft thing and Googled and have decided all lumps = you-know-what. Looking for a bit of reassurance if anything : has anyone had anything similar?

Have had a cough and catarrhy troubles (have allergy problems in summer) over last week or two if that's connected in any way...