View Full Version : Seem to be in a spiral - worried about throat

22-01-18, 17:57
So it seems I'm in a relapse, just noticing the signs the last week or so. First was worried about a spot under my arm pit, panicked it was a lump. Now last night I noticed my throat hurt. It not like a usual sore throat you get like with a cold, it feels like the actual structures of the throat hurts. Just to the left of my Adams apple hurts to touch like as if it was bruised. Doesn't hurt to swallow or anything. I'm absolutely freaking now that I have some kind of throat C. I did have tonsillitis at the start of December but finished my antibiotics a while ago. What could this be! It doesn't feel like tender lymph nodes cos I do get that sometimes. Like I say it feels like my actual throat tube and it hurts to push on one side. Or could it just be lymph tenderness? I have an ulcer at the moment and that sometimes causes neck tenderness for me but not usually there.
Please help I'm so close to Googling :(

22-01-18, 18:29
You had tonsillitis a month ago.

Your throat hurts.

You don't need us to join the dots.

22-01-18, 18:31
I've had it from acid reflux

22-01-18, 18:34
I know that is the logical response.
But it's not a sore throat as internal sore swallowing pain. It's the outside, I can touch it and it hurts like a bruise or an injury? Feels like the actual throat structures.
I don't want to Google throat related C symptoms but is that one of them? Totally sick of it all at the minute. Was doing well and just feel like giving up on my degree and wallowing.

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:32 ----------

Bastett I don't think I have that, do you get heartburn and stuff with it? Don't really know what it is x

22-01-18, 18:51
I don't. My only symptom is slightly sore throat, sometimes burning in soft palate and occasionally hoarsness after I've been eating bad foods. But I've had slight achiness from the outside in my larynx as well.

22-01-18, 19:22
Thing is, sometimes a sore throat is just a sore throat.

And it's not a part of the body designed for poking!

23-01-18, 10:11
I have really fixated on it. Haven't gone where I should be today and just prodding the area on my neck. It still hurts, thought it might have gone today. Does this sound like a dodgy symptom? I am scared to go to thr doctor incase I get referred for tests

23-01-18, 10:15
just prodding the area on my neck. It still hurts

See my point?

24-01-18, 14:39
This worry isn't going away.
Has anyone any idea or experience with something similar?
It hurts to touch, to the left of my Adams apple. I don't know what it could be and have to wait til Monday for an appointment. In the process I've missed days of important work and drinking on the evenings to squash the anxiety. Please help x

24-01-18, 22:52

Catherine S
24-01-18, 23:36
You've missed drinking in the evenings because of this? Drinking to squash your anxiety speaks volumes. Not sure what you want people to tell you here. You don't want to go to the doctor in case you're referred for tests...that makes no sense. We can't tell you what it is, only your doctor can.

Oh, and maybe stop poking and prodding.

25-01-18, 10:02
A lot of HA sufferers are afraid of being referred for tests, me being one of them. It makes perfect sense. I fear the doctors immensely and try to rationalise as much as I can to avoid it. In this scenario I'm struggling to come up with rational answers so I will have to go ask my doctor, but I am frightened of what she'll say.
I don't know if we have lymph nodes where I'm feeling pain, it's just to left of my Adams apple. Do we have them that far in? I've seen some pictures online that look like we have them in the front and sides of our neck. If that's the case maybe it's just sore because I'm run down or something? And have been getting ulcers?
I don't know. Scared it's something sinister

13-03-18, 21:24
I've joined this onto a thread I started a while back. It went away then came back! I have had some slight tenderness in in my neck today and just felt it and the pain is back in the exact same spot. It's just above Adams apple towards the left, hurts to touch but no pain other side. I'm trying to rationalise by thinking anything serious wouldn't go away and come back.
Has anyone had anything like this? I dunno if it's just a lymph node that's prone to tenderness? I'm run down but not poorly. Any advice? I can't stop touching and comparing sides :(

18-03-18, 21:39
Anyone? Been really worried :(