View Full Version : Well, I've done it again...(HA regarding my dog)

22-01-18, 21:55
I am a member of a dog forum and it's become pretty popular to do DNA testing and see the results. The particular company (Embark) doesn't just determine breed, but also scans for potential genetic illnesses and can say if your dog may be at risk, is not at risk, or is just a carrier (which wouldn't effect your dog, but would effect any potential puppies).

I have a 3 year old dog that I believe to be a working English Cocker. I thought it would be so awesome to see what breeds are in him for sure, and also that it would be "wise" to see if he was at risk for anything genetic. And if he's not - that will just be the biggest sigh of relief!

Thing is, he came from a nasty hoarding situation and has some behavioral challenges as a result. So of course I'm worried that he could be ill as well. So far, other than anxiety/reactivity, he's incredibly healthy, however, my cousin had an American Cocker that died due to an enlarged heart. Cockers are at risk of this, and the particular DNA test does screen for it.

I've been doing so well, but now I'm just so scared that I'm going to get the results that he has a genetic illness and is going to get sick. Granted, not all of the disease they test for are a death sentence, either, but geez. I can't believe I thought this was a good idea.

I have about 2-3 weeks before I get the results back. Is there anyone that can talk some sense into me? :scared15:

23-01-18, 05:19
When you take on a breed you often find they are more at risk for certain things and if you can do something to help with this, I think it's a good thing.

Our dog was at risk for various cancers and reducing that could be achieved by, much to his displeasure, giving him the snip. It will prolong his life and that's more important to us than whether he could breed at any point.

He is also a breed at risk of eye problems so we shall keep a look out for things like this as he ages. He's 11 on Thursday (toys on standby! :woof) and in the last year he has had some eye issues but they've turned out to be nothing of any concern. Naturally it goes through your mind that he is reaching the point in his life where it could happen but it has so far turned out all good for him.

Waiting on these tests is obviously a breeding ground for what ifs and catastrophizing. But there is as much evidence that he will have something as he won't. And until you know, it's best to try to dismiss it as purely worry and concentrate on looking after him as you would the rest of the time. If something comes back, it doesn't have to be the worst news as you say. So, there are some positive what ifs in here to cancel out the negative ones.

I hope it all comes back clear though.

23-01-18, 14:34
Thank you - I hope it all comes back clear as well. :)

This dog is probably the bane of my existence - he's a very difficult dog to work with because he is so afraid of everything, and I'm having to look extra hard to find appropriate housing for us next year. And yet, I can't imagine my life without him.