View Full Version : Why is it so hard to believe that there is nothing wrong?

22-01-18, 22:01
Hey everyone...

Why am I still so concerned about my health when I have been re-assured by health professionals? I guess from reading on forums that people have had my worst feared disease (DVT) and ignored by many doctors that I am beginning to believe I am gonna be gone soon because I'm being brushed off. I haven't seen a doctor in a good while and recently had an ultra sound to rule out a lump I've had. I just am so exhausted by my anxiety, my breathing sometimes feels restricted but I can still breath if that makes sense when reading these articles/stories. I know it is good to be informed but I am just so annoyed with myself for finding these horror stories. I have no risks for a DVT but it scares me to death. The symptoms I have is an occasional shooting pain in my thigh that I've had for about two months now since getting a muscle pain there. Been feeling an occasional pain in my calf that dissappears and a buzzing pain in my knee. I can work out and walk everywhere just fine, the leg has no discolouration, redness or warmth anywhere. Rationally I know I haven't got one, but after reading these stories my anxiety is screaming at me I'm leaving it too late for any sort of treatment. I'm not asking for re-assurance, I just want to know if anyone else has this horrible disbelief too about a serious condition and finds it hard to believe that everything is okay.

Take care

23-01-18, 00:02
Im going through the same thing, not with dvt but health anxiety in general. And I too find it very hard to accept I'm fine! Just keep in mind doctors would not risk their jobs by letting you go if they thought it was something serious. They know more than we do about these conditions and however hard it is, try and keep that in mind.

I understand it's very difficult though. Stay strong x

23-01-18, 14:40
im also struggling to accept I'm fine although i haven't had any blood tests or scans but the doctors was not overly concerned and I wish more than anything I could trust that opinion.

24-01-18, 07:28
It's difficult to accept because humans die everyday at different ages, in various ways that are largely unavoidable, or unpredictable when you put it down and try to plot a path far away from each particular isolated dangerzone... this is the way of the world, anything can happen at anytime to anybody. Sometimes you have reason to sense a bitter chill in the breeze and can see hazards in advance with regards to family history on certain things and be mindful of your own troubles with your body marked along your path through life, that's what you can do something about, and be extra cautious. When it's not the creeping disease, it's a collision or a fall, that wondrous word complications from something that shouldn't have taken you out - again, not easy to do much about - complications are a complicated business after all, random accidents snuffing out unsuspecting lives or the unfortunate encounter with a nutjob who has a big knife or a bomb... only thing you can do is stay as healthy mentally and physically as you can manage and retain a reserved, balanced watch upon yourself. I always think a chimney will smash down onto my head, or a spaceship part :yahoo:

We have frenzied minds that are constantly on the lookout for the onset of awful news, it's a strength to possess over time, if one learns to reel it in and take it down a couple notches, you get to know your internal and external calligraphy and dents quite extensively, and separate what's cause for concern and what is just the anxiety sharks. This ceaseless scanning has gradually taught me to make healthier choices and to have a fervent appreciation for the time I'm permitted here and be kinder to myself and others, as life is fragile as a paper ball, and we're all remarkable!

If you go to the professionals with your worries and listen to their opinions and even get all the relevant tests and prods for whatever problem you think's a possibility and they give you an all clear, there is nothing further to search for, have to accept it or refuse the piled up evidence and believe you're that one they got it all wrong with.