View Full Version : Losing weight without trying and so scared!

22-01-18, 23:40
So basically I'm a very anxious person and for the past few months I have been non stop worrying about my health.

Last March I went through a traumatizing break up after being with the person for 8 years. I drank a lot of alcohol (2 bottles of white wine every other night) and lost a little bit of weight. Now let me mention that at the time I had been a vegetarian for 8 months which surprisingly made me gain a lot of weight. When I moved back home I began very gradually losing more weight, a little here and there without much effort. In September I seemed to have lost quite a noticeable amount within a month and have been losing more and more. Nothing rapid or drastic but enough for people to notice, which I hate. I'm terrified it's something serious like ovarian cancer or an adrenal disease or autoimmune problem. I'm still in a healthy size range I'm a UK 12-14 and was a 16 at my heaviest. Although it feels great that I can wear clothes I haven't been able to in a while, I can't help but resent this weight loss as I havent knowingly tried. I don't look gaunt or unwell but have lost it in places that became very bloated like stomach, arms, face, bum, hips and my boobs aren't as big (Im naturally smaller chested).

Here's some of the things that (realistically may have caused it) :

Stress from the break up and ongoing stress throughout the year despite eating the same

Cutting down on alcohol consumption, especially towards the end of summer

Not eating as many sweets

Walking more with the dog although havent done that for months

Eating meat again and better meals since moving back in with parents

In the last month I've had a full blood test which all came back normal apart from lack of vitamin d and raised monocytes only by a smidge - doctor didn't even mention it I saw it on the report. And I have had a pelvic exam and asked the nurse about ovarian cancer and she seemed certain I don't have it.

Can somebody please help me as I have a very dark cloud over my life at the moment and Im scared or the weight I'm losing. I've always been a bit chubby and I guess I still am but can't embrace my weight loss without suspecting something sinister.

Thank you in advance and sorry if I sound like a weirdo with all this worrying x

23-01-18, 13:14
Well first of all, you never have to be sorry for sounding like a weirdo on this forum that's why we're here cos we're all weirdos :roflmao:

It honestly sounds to me like it's a totally normal thing for you to be losing weight given the reasons you've outlined. The only reason to worry about weight loss would be if it were unexplained. But you explained it really well in your list. The stress from the break up must have been really tough :(
Well done for cutting down on the sweets and alcohol I'm sure this has made a big difference
Best wishes