View Full Version : Worried about pulmonary aspiration

23-01-18, 00:08
So I was just at dinner and I was eating a hamburger when a small bit got caught in the back of my throat. I coughed and swallowed the rest of the bite I had taken, but now I'm worried I might have aspirated a bit of it! I need to know if I should be concerned about aspiration pneumonia, or anything else. Help please?

23-01-18, 00:15
It is highly unlikely to be honest.

Do you suffer with health anxiety at all?

23-01-18, 00:19
Have you ever had something gone down the wrong way before? You cough big time and it takes a while till your throat calms down.

I have swallowing issues due to my cancer treatment. I have to actually be aware of choking and aspiration as my swallowing abilities are something that can worsen and actually happen to me. I'm very careful when I eat but still, there are many times, something gets all caught up and it's not pleasant I can assure you.

What you describe doesn't come close to my experience of aspiration or choking.

Positive thoughts

23-01-18, 00:21
Usually when I get stressed over other things. Unfortunately, two of my grandparents being hospitalized recently has led me to panic more and more about my health.

And thanks, you guys made me feel more confident. Usually I just need someone to remind me of the odds of something bad after Dr. Google tells me I might be dying.

26-01-18, 08:33
I feel bad about bringing this back, but I think a bit of soda went Dow the wrong pipe and I'm worried again.

26-01-18, 10:52
Remember your body is very good at protecting itself which is why we get ibto such a coughing eye watering state when we choke. Aspiration pneumonia almost always is due to underlying problens like alcohol toxicity or health conditions affecting choking reflex or ingestion of sea river water. Very rarely very small children can get it from whole peanuts etc because again their reflex is not developed.
The normal everyday food and drink choking whilst scary and unpleasant is not usually a cause for concern.
I am awful for choking because i will turn my head when swallowing or breathe in eating a crumbly biscuit and have many a time had no voice for a time after the coughing fit but always been fine once throat calms down.