View Full Version : Anxiety and pvcs

23-01-18, 06:24
I am a 23 yo female. I've been dx with frequent pvcs (couplets) and pacs. They started after the birth of my first son for no apparent reason other then I suffer from anxiety. A year ago I experienced a horrific event. I was laying down the day after drinking and was feeling my usual pvcs when suddenly they wouldn't stop. It was about 20-30 mins of my heart beating all over the place. I thought maybe it was back to back pvcs which is sort of what it felt like in my pulse and pulse was not racing.I rushed to the ER where a nurse felt my pulse and confirmed feeling an abnormality. I then got hooked to a monitor where I asked a different nurse if she could see the pvcs and she said "well I don't see any pvcs, it looks like your heart is beating irregular." I then calmed down and the feeling went away shortly after. The Dr who came in and saw me said they caught nothing on the monitor. All blood test were neg. Troponin, electrolytes, ECT. All normal aside from low TSH (slightly hyperactive thyroid but endocrine not worried or wanting to treat it.) I then had episodes of this happening twice a day for about a week. I had a holter which should have caught it but at some point just conveniently stopped recording. The Dr said he didn't see afib or the holter but that it looked like a short episode of SVT (but like I said, my pulse didn't feel fast, just irregular and forceful). My chart now says no svt seen on that holter...? Now my pvcs are back and I live in constant fear that this was a deadly arythmia I was experiencing and that it will come back while I'm alone with my children or driving. Please help if you have any idea what this could be. Also the pvcs I now get do not feel like a thud like they once did. They now feel like a pause or pressure on my chest and no thud (where it feels like there should be a compensating "thud"). I should not ive had a normal echo and i am 4 weeks pp. These were gone my entire pregnancy and are just now coming back along with my anxiety. Zoloft has been increased but I can't function. Constantly afraid of these dripping feelings in my chest and scared of a deadly arrhythmia killing me off. Obsessing over it.:weep:

24-01-18, 06:02
PVCs are really scary, even though we know they aren't dangerous they can make you feel like something is desperately wrong. The feeling of my PVCs change all the time, from that skipped feeling and the following thud to a flutter feeling as though my heart has truly skipped a beat. If you didn't get the full holtor I'd ask for another one (not at all.because I thick you need it, but because you deserve the peace of mind it will bring). This will also ensure you get a consistent response, and if you don't demand to know why. I'm not a medical person (though with all of the yucky Googling I do I think I should have an honorary doctorate), but please know I've been exactly where you've been and I'm still here! My cardiologist tells me everyone has PVCs and they don't cause arythmias unless there is an underlying heart condition, which you don't have because you've had an echo. Thinking of you x