View Full Version : Woke up with my throat obstructed, chest pain and throat pain!

23-01-18, 10:50
I'm trying to stay calm and relax, but this was a wild shot of adrenaline to start the day. I had been coughing a ton over the entire month of December up until about January 11th. Been feeling pretty great ever since then...

The cough came back yesterday. Went to bed last night about an hour after eating a meal. Woke up at 4:50am feeling strange, not able to breathe right. I got out of bed, coughed and felt a bunch of mucus come up. Immediately I went to the bathroom and 'expelled' the mucus. A ton of THICK, white/clear mucus...

Each time I cough, my upper chest and lower/base of throat hurts like crazy! It's a stabbing, sharp pain in the throat and a burning pain in the chest. There is also a tickle in my throat that is forcing me to cough and experiencing those awful pains.

I wonder if this is related to GERD/acid reflux? I think a lot of my family members have it. I'm only 26, but I guess it can affect anybody at any age. I had to eat late because I have an evening class each Monday that runs until 10pm.

I'm scared it is something ominous, though. I'm gonna try to go back to bed, but waking up like this was terrible, feeling like you are on the brink of death or something.

If anybody has some words of wisdom on this or some advice, it would be greatly appreciated! I don't have any health insurance and can't afford a doctor's visit.

23-01-18, 20:49
Scared that it is throat or esophageal cancer. I don't smoke nor dip tobacco. I only drink socially less than 10-11 times a year.

23-01-18, 21:11
I'm a head and neck cancer survivor. That's not how it works.

Positive thoughts

Chris 614
23-01-18, 23:33
The gunk in the throat sounds like post nasal drip stuff. Where I live it's a common occurrence. We are surrounded by forest and I have year round sinus issues because of it. People out here call it the coastal crud. I don't know about the stabbing pain thing, unless you were coughing extra hard. But it's a huge and unrealistic leap to think it's something ominous. And, yes, acid reflux can irritate your throat.

Clydesdale Epona
23-01-18, 23:44
Sounds like post nasal drip which is common and goes hand in hand with GERD/LPR

Also, if it runs in the family it is likely you may get it and yes you can at any age as i did at 15 :)

Try some over the counter antacids and if they work but not quite good enough it may be worth while going to your doctor and getting some medication :) x

24-01-18, 03:21
My girlfriend's mom keeps riding me about needing to give Prilosec OTC a go. Guess I better go buy some from Wal-Mart.

I asked a few of my family members and they told me it isn't hereditary. I have a big love for spicy foods, garlic and onions, always trying to eat healthy too but they could be the culprit. Got a headache and shivering tonight. It's so cold.

Just insanely worried because I've never felt this pain before outside of the time I swallowed a big pill several years ago.

---------- Post added at 22:21 ---------- Previous post was at 20:28 ----------

Running a low fever with a headache and chills tonight. Still sore throat and painful upper chest/esophageal area every time I swallow or cough. Burns. Stabbing pain too. I feel decently calm asides from the pain. I took a full shot (with the Vicks cups) of Nyquil and going to bed right now with 3 layers of clothes, 3 blankets and socks. I'm usually hot blooded. Took 400mg chelated magnesium 2 hours ago which usually relaxes my heartbeat but my heart is pounding. Felt these similar symptoms asides from sore throat/chest last month. I hope it's all better when I wake up. Please help. No insurance because I can't afford it.

24-01-18, 14:06
Base of my throat and chest still hurts so bad whenever I swallow or take a big gulp of water. It has that feeling of when you take a big pill and it gets stuck! Except it won't go away.

Clydesdale Epona
24-01-18, 17:04
Does sound like LPR or GERD to me,

might be worthwhile seeking a doctor x

24-01-18, 23:59
I can't stand "Dr. Google". One link that I looked at, I have five of the seven major symptoms of esophageal cancer. Ugh.

I mentioned it before, but my girlfriend's mom tends to think that a lot of my sinus-related issues (headaches, stopped up nose and constant coughing and clearing the throat) are due to acid reflux. My girlfriend is picking me up some Prilosec OTC tonight after she gets off work and I'm gonna try it starting tomorrow morning. I wish I had the health insurance to go see a doctor. My head is pounding and nothing has helped.

I really just wish the throat pain and chest pain would go away. Hopefully the esophagus can heal itself. I'm not well versed in that subject matter.

25-01-18, 12:58
In UK there has been a nasty flu like virus that for a lot of people has ended up in the chest and a bacterial infection set in . Every second person I talk to has had it or knows someone with it . It took 4 courses of antibiotics from the beginning of Dec till 15 Jan and I still have chest symptoms almost exactly as you describe with clear phlem and odd sharp pains . X ray shows nothing worrying .

I hope you improve soon.

25-01-18, 15:13
I appreciate the replies. I took Prilosec this morning but I can't take the pain anymore. Headache, stopped up nose no matter how many times I blow my nose, difficulty swallowing, hoarse voice, can hardly breathe, chest and throat pain all over when I cough but swallowing hurts the esophageal and throat area. Also I have weird back pain. Guess I'm gonna have to skip a few meals and use that money to go see a doctor. I wouldn't wish this hell on anybody.

25-01-18, 20:13
I tested positive for strep throat and was prescribed antibiotics.

I wonder if the strep also has contributed to the extreme chest and esophageal pain?

I always heard that coughing and cold/flu-like symptoms were rare with strep. Sounds like this is atypical strep. I hope the antibiotics work.