View Full Version : New symptoms really worried

23-01-18, 12:15
I’ve developed this really deep itch in the side of my neck muscles. I’ve read it could be from some kind of nerve damage or cancer... Is it possible i have cancer and it’s has spread? I’m very distraught at this point 😩. I’ve also developed neck pain my neck is really sore for no apparent reason..

23-01-18, 12:16
So Dr Google told you this at a guess?

23-01-18, 12:29
You are a victim of Dr. Google. Don´t search health related things on Google!

I had severe neck pain for a couple of days, what was the reason for that? I had a wrong reading position when I was reading at my smartphone :P. And anxiety make the pain in your neck a lot worse. Take a warm shower (it will really help you) and don´t Google, it makes your anxiety only a lot worse.

Take care.

23-01-18, 12:43
I’ve had itchy neck muscle for a long time. My muscles was constantly tight and it was due to poor posture. If itchy neck muscles mean cancer, I should have been dead a long time ago.

23-01-18, 12:45
Hiyer, no its not possible. Have you been back to your thread about stomach/oesophagus cancer and seen there are some books I found about health anxiety you could try. I've not read them myself, but they seem to be highly rated.

23-01-18, 12:56
I’ve read it could be

I appreciate there is hypocrisy here as I've been there many times, but I'm losing patience with this as a start to a sentence, especially from people who've been rattling around here for a while and know how this whole thing works.

EDIT - Apologies, I thought Hypo was an old user for some reason, I see he's a newbie. Central point still stands though!

29-01-18, 16:51
I’m still having issues swallowing and now it’s got to the point to where it’s painful swallowing hard foods. Something I haven’t mentioned is for the past couple of months I’ve had pain in my lower left pelvic region when my bladder is almost empty when urinating. Could that be bladder cancer? I looked urine at last years urine tests and their where a few with microscopic blood in them...
Is it possible to have cancer in two places?

29-01-18, 16:52
Please post on your original thread about this fear.