View Full Version : Fearing neurological or brain issue...

23-01-18, 17:19
I’ll just give you background.. for the last 3 Years at this time of year, I experience lightheadedness, mild vertigo, blurred vision, ringing in ears, and crackling or what feels like my right ear is clogged - I used to have it 24-7 for like 4 months on a row at this time, my dr also told me I have a deviated septum on the right... and that I’m allergic specifically to the mold that’s in mulch... we have no grass where I live, all mulch... these symptoms only seem to come in the winter, especially after it rains.

This year I didn’t start experiencing anything until this past month... but it feels different ... I’ll have moments where I feel like my vision “skips” or shifts... and moments where I feel like I have sensations where a part of my body ( arms or legs) is just gonna stop working... I also feel like my right ear is off and on clogged and I have tingling in my scalp ( side note but I have also been waking up with my forearms and hands numb) and have been feeling pins and needles in my fingertips for the past 2 weeks.. anyway- the other day I was photographing a home - as im a photographer...and the instant I got inside there was this strong smelling candle- I felt like I was uneasy and going to pass out, and then for the next hour after there were moments when I was driving where I was afraid and felt like I was going to have my vision shift... yesterday I felt completely normal- I worked out- did yoga- was definitely upside down sometimes... and fine.. today right when I woke up I bent down on the ground to kiss my cat.. right when I went to get up, the room spun ( never had anything that bad before) and I fell into the wall.. now I’m pretty much shaking and afraid to move... I’m afraid that’s going to happen again when I’m working or worse yet driving... it also always seems to originate from the right side... I’m trying not to panic... but I’m sure you can guess where my mind is going

24-01-18, 16:01
..? Anyone?