View Full Version : Pressure in nose

23-01-18, 17:39
Hi. Does anyone know whether a feeling of pressure across bridge of the nose is related to anxiety? I have looked at previous threads on this but none quite match my symptoms. I have never had any sinus problems. Looked it up because I am supposed to check my blood pressure regularly and, thinking it might be due to high BP I wondered of my BP monitor was giving correct readings. I have problems getting it to stay on and not sure how accurate it is. However, no mention of blood pressure on Google. Most references are to sinuses and, worse case scenario, one person afraid of a brain tumour which set the HA going of course. Any thoughts please?

23-01-18, 19:05
I've had it recently to pressure and pain on th bridge of my nose. My anxiety has been through the roof before and after. It's on and off one day can be really bad the next no problem and then bad again the next day. Doctor said my sinuses looked clear. I have no idea what it is sorry just thought I would let you know I've had it too x

23-01-18, 20:15
Thank you. It is kind of you to reply and it does help knowing others have experienced it. Let's hope it goes away for both of us soon. Some if the posts I read did seem to suggest that it might be brought on by anxiety but I wish I knew why. :)

23-01-18, 20:21
I had this and my doctors said it can’t be anything neurological and most likely a result of sinuses, nasal polyps or stress

24-01-18, 20:15
Thank you both.

25-01-18, 07:33
I had this!! Pressure in my nose and head. I was convinced I had nasal polyps or something as i had a chronic sore throat. And since I've had a new health problem all them symptoms have disappeared. Haven't had them for over 2 months now! Definitely anxiety

25-01-18, 18:12
Thank you. I feel a bit reassured. Gad you are better.

30-01-18, 11:06
This head and nose pressure is really getting to me now. Is it really down to stress? I was beginning to think it was when I unconsciously grit my teeth which I have realised I do a lot but this morning it seems to be when i bend down as well. Beginning to worry about brain tumour.��

30-01-18, 11:19
I had that a lot and ended up getting a scan, everything was normal, nothing to see. It disappeared by itself.. I sometimes get the same feeling but now I noticed it happens when I’m tense in my neck and shoulders!

30-01-18, 11:58
Thank you. That is helpful. I keep telling myself it is tension but you know what it is like when you get fixated on something. I will take on board what you have said.

31-01-18, 14:08
Today I developed a migraine during the morning so was hoping the pressure was building up to this. Now also have tingling in my face which I think is something I had 40 years ago. I looked up migraines to see if tingling is a symptom...I usually get disturbed vision and nausea....and it can be. Also read that it can be caused by diabetes which I have. However, inevitably it also mentioned brain tumour and I had been trying so hard to avoid finding this.:mad:

31-01-18, 16:11
I've been getting this pressure in my nose and behind my eyes too. I've also been fixating on my vision and noticing visual disturbance with artificial lights and light sensitivity. There have also been a couple of times when I've thought I had a phantom snell so of course I'm stressing about BT. I had this obsession around a year ago but managed to get past it but it's definitely back so I feel your pain!

31-01-18, 17:48
Thank you Cattia. I hope you soon feel okay again. If you had it a year ago I think it would be worse by now if anything serious, and more symptoms too.

31-01-18, 19:47

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


06-02-18, 18:16
Just to update you. I have seen my GP today and my blood pressure is much higher than it should be so she has started me on medication. I have no doubt that anxiety is a factor as well so thank you all. Don't know how I will be in the future but we'll see. I was feeling a bit better today till I played pirates with my twin grandchildren.:D

10-02-18, 08:41
Hi. Sorry to be here again but really freaking out about tingling and shivering down left side, mainly face.
I have had a stressful week and was feeling so much better last night that my busy week was over. I had been having face tingling for a while but this morning woke up with really bad tingling in face and all down left side. It feels sort of shivery too. Really scared about brain tumour, MS or stroke. I also read that it can be to do with thyroid so now also worried about that because i have a nodule on my thyroid that they said was almist certainly benign but having another ultrasound in April to be sure. Hoping it is all caused by anxiety or maybe my diabetes. Please help if you can.