View Full Version : Probably gonna puke

23-01-18, 21:07
Sitting here at the hospital waiting on my chest xray that my GP ordered due to an abnormal EKG today. I hate hate hate this place and it makes me panic. Chest xrays just scare me. For one bc I'm a smoker. And also bc of the EKG results. I had a chest xray like 6 months ago so I know I'm probably okay, but my brain is still in overdrive :(

23-01-18, 21:13
bc I'm a smoker. And also bc of the EKG results.

So you have heart fears and you smoke? :lac: Take it from a former smoker that now has heart disease... QUIT!

Positive thoughts

23-01-18, 21:20
I know I know, I'm an absolute idiot! I've never had heart fears until literally today. Had my first EKG ever and I have sinus arrhythmia, which after doing research I shouldn't have, is linked to heart disease. She has me doing this xray and then have to have a monitor!

Giving up the cigs for good! I had no idea there was even the slightest abnormality with my heart..

23-01-18, 21:38
I had this, was worried about lung pain but then got sent for all the heart checks. Thankfully all came back okay. The heart specialist told me that ecg results are often flawed and don't really tell you much, hence the other checks so I wouldn't worry too much about those, they will just be covering their backs. My ecg was normal for ages then had an irregular and got sent for the xrays etc. Hope it goes okay been sat in a and e today myself it's not great especially when you have anxiety, plus I have a phobia of people vomiting so I'm hawk eyed for people who look like they are going to vom! Xx

23-01-18, 21:57
Thank you that definitely helps! I know what you mean though. There are so many people here hacking and coughing! Ugh! Couldn't find any masks so I have my face in my shirt lmao

24-01-18, 00:13
@OP it was because of Fishmanpa that I quit smoking in September. Quit cold turkey out of pure fear because what he says is the truth. Have not, and will not, touch a cigarette ever again.

I'm sure you'll be fine today and I'm sure the xray is just to make sure everything is fine. I've been ordered to go to hospital for EKG some years back. Turns out I was fine, just a bit tachy due to anxiety. But the urgency the doc had me rush there was scary. But on the plus side if he thought you was in immediate danger you'd have left the doctors office in an ambulance.

24-01-18, 02:50
@wired he always helps me put things into perspective. Even the comments to other people seem to hit home with me. He is an absolute blessing for some of us here!

My heart is somewhat opposite, mine is brady not tachy. The xray went okay, of course I won't know the results for a few days but hey at least it's behind me! Now it's all a waiting game.

My GP will be calling tomorrow to give me my blood results and to schedule me with the cardiologist. Fingers crossed :)

24-01-18, 20:44
Just an update..

GP called today to let me know that my chest xray was normal :) she said it would be tomorrow before my blood test comes back. Then we will set up the appt with the cardiologist.

24-01-18, 21:05
I'm sure this was just a dodgy reading on your EKG. As already said, they can be unreliable.

When I was in hospital, I had several. Most were fine, but at one point in the night I was suddenly swamped by nurses after an EKG suggested I was having heart problems even though I was sitting there quietly and breathing normally. It was just a poor reading and a lot of adrenaline.