View Full Version : Constantly Ruminating these thoughts please help!!!!

24-01-18, 03:26
Hey guys I'm 19 years old Ive always been a good student, Ive played sports my whole life and Ive always been happy. Ive also never done drugs and i don't drink. Recently for what ever reason tho recently I can't get the idea of solipsism out of my head (which is the ideal only i exist). And for some reason I also I find myself thinking about the absurdity of life, Im having trouble wrapping my head around any of it. Its all seems really crazy to me that we all exist on this planet in the middle of the universe. I know that sounds like I've gone crazy but I went through the previous years of my life and never really thought twice about it. So i guess its now all hitting me at once. For some reason I just can't come to grips with it. Im afraid I'm driving myself nuts. Guys please reply I will appreciate any advice i feel kind of hopeless. This has been very hard on me for some reason.

24-01-18, 06:56
I think it is quite natural that at certain points in life we are reflective. In fact, I would find it even more odd if someone did not consider how weird life is and can be.