View Full Version : Quick question please answer

24-01-18, 06:31
I've been doing very good about not worrying about everything, and I've felt so much better and have had so much more energy and peace in mind.

but despite all this, for the past few days I've been getting little moments where I'll have a worried feeling, sometimes I catch myself looking at this mole on my belly, it's been there for as long as I can remember, its raised always has been, normal borders, no bleeding, it has a small darker brown spot in the middle with a hair which is likely to be atypical mole. I believe it's my mind trying to get me back off track, worrying about silly things, I've been a victim of anxiety for so long I personally believe it's just trying to work itself back in.

I want to stop it before it really grips me again, has anyone else had this sort of relapse before where it's just small things that cause slight anxiety?

24-01-18, 07:37
Yes all the time, I doubt we are alone. After I’ve completely exhausted one worry, I will be fine for months even maybe a year. Then out of no where bam, I’m onto my next health anxiety. It’s not fun that’s for sure. X

24-01-18, 09:07
It’s not like that for me. Since I recovered I have had no major setbacks. That isn’t to say that I haven’t noticed small things. But I don’t allow my mind to go there. It’s like giving up smoking. There are moments when you crave a cigarette but if you push the thought out of your mind the craving passes in a couple of minutes. Same with checking your body. “Oh that spot looks a bit dark....” “nope not going there” and within a couple of minutes you forget to look at it anymore. Crisis (or relapse) averted.

---------- Post added at 18:37 ---------- Previous post was at 18:29 ----------

I’m recovered but that doesn’t mean I can stop working on staying that way. I think I’ll always have to work on it. There is nothing easy about HA. I see people coming here desperate for someone to tell them how to beat HA. I also see people here who think they can beat it without counselling. They can’t.