View Full Version : Varicose veins?

24-01-18, 09:50
Hello, A few months ago I looked down at my leg and noticed I had a raised vein at the front of my shin.

Ever since noticing it, i’ve been prodding it now and again becauss I keep getting an ache in it and odd feeling for like 0.5s every so often (probably when i think of it!)

Lately though in the morning when I get out of bed, i’ve been getting a feeling of blood going to exactly that spot.

I have no other swelling just this squidy vein on the left shin, no discolouration either so can’t see bluey veins or anything

Any ideas? Also is this something a pharmacist could check out, as it’s about 1 month to see the doctors

24-01-18, 10:10

First of all, stop prodding it, that will make things worse!

It's likely to be a varicose vein, so mention it to your Dr when you see him/her.
Blood does pool in varicose veins, making them ache.

20-02-18, 12:39
Hi Any update on this thread ? did you go to the DR.

20-02-18, 16:31
Hey... obesity, inactivity OR heavy weight lifting may be the reason behind varicose veins. One of my relatives suggested me to use compression socks or stockings which is a very much popular way to treat varicose veins (https://www.doctorshealthpress.com/general-health-articles/home-remedies-for-varicose-veins/) but I tried out foot exercises and bicycling for few days. Well, let's see what your doctor suggest.:)

21-02-18, 12:39
Hi Curtis,
Your varicose veins are in your legs or hand. Mine is visible more in foot upper surface, could not figure out why this is suddenly appearing. I suppose this should be some disease than other stuff. My doctor said it is normal, can i ignore.