View Full Version : Question for folks with buzzing sensations

24-01-18, 10:45
He guys. I have always been a buzzer and had buzzing sensations off and on, due to anxiety. But I have a new one, and as such, I am trying to decide when to bother with a further investigation, and when I am wasting time due to anxiety.

For the past four days, my left heel has buzzed. This in and of itself is not unusual, of course, being an anxiety sufferer. What has been unusual for me, is that it has been the same exact spot. Additionally, it happens every ten to twenty seconds, buzzes for about a second then repeats again over and over. It is actually driving me a bit mad as I try to get back to sleep after going to the bathroom.

I am not too worried about it, just wondering if anyone out there has had such persistent localized buzzing for a longer duration. Usually, mine just comes and goes, but this is being stubbornly persistent. Do you have any tricks for getting rid of persistent buzzing?

24-01-18, 11:16
Buzzing like this, in a specific location, can be due to mild trauma of muscles and nerves in a specific area. They respond in the days after the injury with this 'buzzing' feeling as they repair and recover, and the fact that this is on your heel would lead me to think that a shoe had pressed/been too tight and jittered a soft tissue area/nerve in your heel. Rubbing it can encourage blood flow, avoiding anything that presses on the area helps....and waiting for nature to take its course.

24-01-18, 11:39
I have had this on several spots, fingers, heels, leg.. due to anxiety!

24-01-18, 14:30
Awesome answers, thanks. It could well be due to the fact that I have been visiting my folks in the desert southwest and it is warm and pleasant so my wife and I have been walking every day. Back home in Minnesota, it is way too cold and snowy for walks (at least for me) so this is the first serious walking I have been doing since November. I never even made that connection.I gist assumed anxiety

24-01-18, 14:44
Yes, it'll be that !!! I get it from wearing flip flops for a long time in the summer and walking a long way in them, in both heels!!! Anything that gives your heel a bit of a rub, pressure or extra movement that you aren't use to can cause this I reckon. Thats the thing about this HA thing.....not everything that happens to your body will be an anxiety symptom, some will be real physical changes or symptoms of minor things. It would be unrealistic not to expect them (like a buzzing muscle and nerve from walking a long way)...but its about creating perspective about what they are and not jumping to a hideous and life-threatening conclusion. I'm not saying you did of course, but saying that looking for the most likely answer (like walking through the desert a lot and pressing shoes) is the first thing to do.

25-01-18, 02:36
Yeah, it is likely from that. Still annoying, but definitely, not all symptoms are from anxiety, but what becomes difficult for us is not assuming that those symptoms do not represent something deadly.

I have buzzed before, though not like this. This is actually supremely annoying, but not deadly obviously. I do hate this it makes it hard for me to get back to sleep when I wake up in the middle of the night is all.

For all those who buzzed, who has buzzed for days or weeks at a time? Anything you did to control how it affected you?