View Full Version : Anxiety preceeding illness

24-01-18, 12:49
I've been suffering from anxiety and depression for a couple of years now. Mostly it's under control with 50mg Sertraline daily and changes in personal circumstances.

However, I've noticed increasingly that I will get severe anxiety for a couple of days (including today) and then that will be immediately followed by a cold or some other viral infection/general feeling of being under the weather.

Does this happen to anyone else?

I get a lot of colds, always have, so it's pretty frustrating to have this kick my mental health down a few notches every time. I assume it's just my body using energy to prepare to fight the infection and it lowers my mood. But knowing that doesn't help me when I'm sitting here in the office feeling scared for no reason.

24-01-18, 13:04
Yes!!!! I get this ALL the time. I can entirely relate and had the same at Christmas when I had flu that lasted three weeks. For a few days before the flu symptoms I was really anxious. I often find that even if I don't know I'm 'going down with something', in retropect, I realise it was 'going down with something' that caused it as a few days later I get a cold or something. In my case, once the flu/cold whatever starts I often find that removes my feelings of anxiety as I am so peed off with the symptoms of that. Remind yourself that this is only temporary, and its what other people call 'feeling a bit under the weather' which unfortunately to us means we start focusing a bit too much on our mood and body and voila.......