View Full Version : Irritated throat and nose

24-01-18, 12:51
Hi all.
First post here but have regularly read the forums. I'm a HA sufferer and have been for many years. I'm a 36yo male.

At the moment I'm finding things really hard! Since Early December I've had a red irritated throat, more at the top where it goes up into the nose... this is more sore on the right hand side and had some ear pain on that side too. Also sometimes it feels like there is something in my throat/nose on that side as well. I went to the doctors twice... first time he said prob virus, sent me away. Second doctor gave me antibiotics which didn't help so then I booked myself a private ENT appt. He checked my neck and then did nose scope and said he saw nothing sinister to worry about and also wondered if it might be a virus. He commented that the entrance to my eustachian tube was a bit red on that side.... it would prob go away in a few weeks. Well a few weeks on and I'm still suffering and I think it has become worse. My HA is going mad wondering what if he missed something and that I do have some kind of nose or throat cancer... I'm petrified :( I think because I've never had anything like this before I'm so focussed on it.... I'm really miserable thinking the worst.

26-01-18, 17:30
Hi all.
First post here but have regularly read the forums. I'm a HA sufferer and have been for many years. I'm a 36yo male.

At the moment I'm finding things really hard! Since Early December I've had a red irritated throat, more at the top where it goes up into the nose... this is more sore on the right hand side and had some ear pain on that side too. Also sometimes it feels like there is something in my throat/nose on that side as well. I went to the doctors twice... first time he said prob virus, sent me away. Second doctor gave me antibiotics which didn't help so then I booked myself a private ENT appt. He checked my neck and then did nose scope and said he saw nothing sinister to worry about and also wondered if it might be a virus. He commented that the entrance to my eustachian tube was a bit red on that side.... it would prob go away in a few weeks. Well a few weeks on and I'm still suffering and I think it has become worse. My HA is going mad wondering what if he missed something and that I do have some kind of nose or throat cancer... I'm petrified :( I think because I've never had anything like this before I'm so focussed on it.... I'm really miserable thinking the worst.

Fellow HA sufferer here. Had a lot of the same issues. A lot of phlem, post nasal drip, irritation for weeks, doc thought it was a viruse, throat irritation, sinus irritation, lump in throat feeling which really freaked me out. I also had ear irritation/ache/pressure only one one side as well. Even got an ultra sound on my neck and everything came back normal.

Went to my ENT and he put a small camera up my nose that then went into my throat. Found out that i have LPR, silent acid reflux. If you google symptoms of LPR, its pretty crazy the amount of random symptoms you can have from it.

Did your ENT actually go thru your nose down into you throat? Or just a camera in the nose? Mine noticed acid had damaged my voice box and throat some, but nothing life threatening at all. I also had blood work done to further calm my nerves and all came back ok.

Believe it or not, i never knew LPR until i went thru a pretty traumatic experience and my anxiety sky rocketed, which in turn made the reflux worse and recognizable to me. Its crazy what anxiety can do.

If you want to further calm your nerves ask your doctor for a metabolic blood panel if you can, literally checks everything. And if your ENT didnt, request that he/she looks down your throat with the camera. Hope this helps!