View Full Version : Lower body symptoms

24-01-18, 14:19

My most recent bout of symptoms started around Thursday/Friday last week. Had they been separate I would not worry about them, but this time I am not sure?

Last week (Wednesday-Friday) I did two sessions of particularly strenuous (core, thigh; HIIT and weight) exercise followed by a day (Thursday) of sitting cross-legged playing board games. I then developed an achey gut/lower back, legs and hip-flexor over the next two days(Friday/Saturday). I do not feel ill (i.e flu) it is more Anxiety now than anything else. But the issues are still there after just under a week. I am aware muscular issues can take as much as a month to subside and I would take muscle the explanation without question if it wasn’t for the paired upper inner thigh/abdomen ache. It is possible that due to the over exercise I have opened myself up to some sort of digestive tract bug but my symptoms don’t really amount to that either(?) although both my brother and girlfriend are both suffering with separate viruses at the moment.

In contrast to some people with HA I struggle greatly to gather the courage to go to the doctors. So I am looking for advice I think I already know (eh).

I guess I am just scared that if I go to the doctors examinations for this area of the body are usually quite intrusive, especially as my issue are predominantly around those areas. My Social Anxiety makes these things hard enough without the added pressure of a stranger touching me.

What should I do? My condition hasn’t exactly gotten better or worse. I guess I am looking for parallels between my own condition and yours (if you have had it?)

Thank you

---------- Post added at 14:19 ---------- Previous post was at 13:27 ----------

Well, I booked an appointment. Now for the hardest part...