View Full Version : Sore throat for months, help!

24-01-18, 21:53
Hello everyone, I'm new here and hope I can get an answer to my predicament.

Like everyone I would get sore throats from time to time, and usually they would pass, but since late Autumn I have been experiencing almost daily sore throats.

Originally it would only hurt in the morning and sometimes last through a few hours of the day, but for the past week or so I've been experiencing almost constant pain.

The soreness feels scratchy and raw and my tonsils seem to hurt, but as far as I can make out I've got little to no swelling. The pain seems most irritating in the middle of my throat, but very little hoarseness or difficultly speaking. There's definitely mucus stuck in there, but I'm not coughing any up, nor do I have a blocked nose. I also do get a little bit of the "lump" sensation, but I think it's in my head more than anything. I do cough from time to time with it (although I do have asthma) and also I've been swallowing a lot recently.

I'm really fed up at this point, and anxiety issues can only be making things worse.

The only other "symptoms" that I think could possibly be linked are occasional migranes (which I think are actually PMS related) and digestive issues (which have mainly occurred down in my intestines and seem like IBS rather than any type of acid reflux)

I'm no medical expert, but I believe my throat problems are probably either a post nasal drip, sinus problems, or some sort of irritant (maybe even the dry air), but I want to see if anyone has experienced similar symptoms and if they got any answers.

I'm going for a blood test on Friday in relation to anxiety issues so the doctor can determine that I don't have something like an over active thyroid causing the issues. (They're not related to my throat by the way, I've had anxiety and depression issues ever since major spinal surgery and a though recovery back in 2014). Should I mention this throat problem to the nurse though?

Thoughts anyone?

24-01-18, 22:19
Have you considered GERD?

24-01-18, 22:25
Yes I have considered GERD, but recently my stomach has been ok.

Also I've not got the sensation of heartburn or indegestion with my throat pain

25-01-18, 03:55
I think it's worth getting checked out. I got GERD from high anxiety; it's very common among our type of peeps.

25-01-18, 17:13
If I had GERD would there be something in my blood which would suggest I had it?

(Getting a blood test on Friday)

25-01-18, 21:10
No, it is usually tested with an endoscopy or pH test. If your blood test comes back normal, ask your doc to put you on PPI for a couple of weeks. If that causes your cough to subside, you’d know it was GERD without having to go through the extra testing.

26-01-18, 17:13
Definitely sounds like my symptoms before I was diagnosed with GERD. I didn't think I had heartburn, either, apart from the occasional overindulgence in food/alcohol. But I went to the ENT for a persistent sore throat, clicking when I swallowed and feeling like I had a lump in my throat. She took a quick look with the laryngoscope and said "moderately severe reflux". I had no idea, but in retrospect I had been burping more frequently after meals, and had a few instances of chest pain that I put down as muscular. Of course, once I got the diagnosis, I noticed the reflux episodes so much more (thanks anxiety). PPIs and some diet changes cleared up most of my symptoms, but I'm hoping that I can get off them once I get my anxiety more under control.

26-01-18, 17:23
You don't have to have stomach issues. It is possible to have just throat pain. I do! I have sore throat for months too, I was told it was acid reflux and put on a diet and it was great, I felt better. Then I had an endoscopy and they said that my LES muscle was fine and no GERD, so I stepped off diet and it was a mistake. Sore throat came back with vengeance. Then I convinced myself it was a throat cancer but then I visited an ENT who looked down my throat and saw acid building in there. I don't have cancer, just silent reflux. It is not GERD since my esophagus is fine and no burning in chest. Silent reflux means that you get only laringopharingeal symptoms - hoarseness, sore throat, mucous, etc.

PPI didn't help me. Only a diet change did. I bought a book Acid watcher diet and it was gold. I was on it merely for a month and my throat pain lessened to maybe 30 % from what it was before. It takes time to heal but it can be done.

Now I am pregnant and have cravings and aversions and have stepped off the diet and have fries, cola, etc. And my throat is very sore. It became even more sore after I vomited pure acid a couple of times (morning sickness). I even became hoarse - but no stomach burning/chest burning, etc.

So my bet is on silent reflux for you.