View Full Version : Mini stroke ? Numbness and fainting ,

24-01-18, 22:44
Hi everyone !

I'm desperately seeking some advice ...I just got a new job and have been sent away for training it was a 5 hour drive away and my fiancé drove ,

I have been having Some anxiety lately over my period being a month late but not being pregnant ! So have been feeling awfully hormonal , all the pregnancy symptoms ... cut a long story short my period came this morning heavy and painful as usual nothing unusual for me apart from being 21 days overdue!

Anyway on the journey I had a sharp pain in my chest and neck which made me a bit anxious but thought I got over it anyway an hour later I had a sudden feeling of pure adrenaline swirling all over my body ? And then my ears went deaf!!! And I had numbness and tingling from my head all down my left arm and leg like jelly!!! It passed and then started to happen again about 10 mins after

I am freaking out as I have a really important training session tomorrow and I'm so scared I'm going to have a stroke or faint or have another episode of whatever it was ! It felt different to my usual panic or anxiety attacks !

I'm so scared and tempted to go to A&E in the morning early before the course at 12

I am so upset and don't want it to ruin my opportunity

Any ideas ??? Help ! :(


---------- Post added at 22:44 ---------- Previous post was at 22:30 ----------

PLease someone :( xx

Catherine S
24-01-18, 22:48
It felt different to your usual panics? So you are familiar with them. Do they all start with the same symptoms for you then? People who are constantly worried about their health are tuned in at all times to every twitch, every muscle spasm, and even the slightest twinge causes panic...that's how it works which I'm sure you already know, because you're not new to this right? How often do you go to A&E?

If you really think you're about to have a stroke then yes, go to A&E and get the reassurance you need, but I think you already know that you're just a very stressed person whose body reacts to that stress physically...and that's all.

You'll be fine just as you always are. Have a good day tomorrow.

24-01-18, 22:59
Thank you for your reply !

It's comforting to hear you think I'm most likely ok ! X I will push through tomorrow !

Thanks again !

Catherine S
24-01-18, 23:09