View Full Version : am i the only one?

24-01-18, 22:40
Hey guys, so does your anxiety make you panic when you're home alone?
i feel so dependent of my husband or family cause i cant seem to be alone scared something bad will happen and ill be by myself, how do you overcome this? i have a two month old baby and i cant afford to be like this all the time :weep:

24-01-18, 22:56
Hi lovely !

I am exactly the same ! I feel so lucky to have my fiancé but at the same time I hate feeling so dependant on him ! I used to love my own space and now the thought alone of being home makes me panic , just so you know your not alone !

Have you read the book DARE by Barry McDonough ? It helps get through the worst times !

There's an app too which Is amazing xxx

24-01-18, 23:00
Me too. I feel panicky when my spouse travels. I especially hate Fridays when I know doctors offices will be closed - which makes no sense since I hate going to the doctor. I guess it's because I hate ER's even more so the thought of that being my only option for care scares me. No urgent cares around here.

25-01-18, 01:42
I'm know exactly what you mean! My husband is a truck driver so he's gone a lot of the time. I dread the days he goes to work bc I know I won't be able to get out of my head. When he's home I seem to be able to put my anxiety on the back burner.