View Full Version : Convinced myself I’m pregnant

25-01-18, 01:42
Hi, I am currently having a really hard time and have found this forum helpful in the past so thought i would post in hope of receiving some advice/reassurance. I suffer from quite significant health anxiety and have previously attended therapy for this issue which seemed to really help for a while but I seem to be slipping back into my old ways of overthinking. I am 21 years old and have always had extremely irregular periods sometimes missing around 4 months at a time, I have visited my GP serveral times over the years regarding this issue and have had several tests and blood tests for various causes, all of which came back clear. I am however overweight which I understand can contribute to the problem. I currently have not had a proper period for 7 months apart from one bleed which was extremely light and only lasted a couple of days. Aswell as this I have recently been experiencing some quite significant stomach twitching which feel like muscle spasms but they ar growing increasingly stronger and more frequent, they seem to happen most at nighttime. This has caused me to convince myself I’m pregnant, however (I know this sounds ridiculous) but to my knowledge I have never slept with anybody, I know this sounds crazy but there was one night whilst I was on holiday 7 months ago (I have not had a proper period since then) that I drank too much and there are certain points of the night I don’t recall at all. I know this is stupid and I can remember most of the night including getting back to our hotel and I was with my friend so I assume she would have realised if I suddenly was not with her, however my mind which is extremely prone to overthinking every possible situation keeps wondering what if something happened or somebody took advantage of the fact that I had drank too much and I simply don’t remember! I feel ridiculous even writing this but I’m sure other people who suffer from anxiety can understand how irrational our minds can sometimes be and to me this is a real concern. I have taken several Home pregnancy tests simply hoping they would provide reassurance, all of which have came back negative which satisfied me for a short time but then I always just go back to worrying that this was a false result.
Has anyone else gone through anything similar to this, I would really appreciate any advice.
Thank you.

25-01-18, 01:54
I really think if you were 7 months pregnant, you'd know for sure.

Home pregnancy tests are SO sensitive now, they can detect even before a missed period, they SURE would have been positive in your case.

Not pregnant. I am positive of it.

25-01-18, 02:21
When I was in undergrad, I thought I was pregnant for several months. I also never had regular periods..sometimes having 1 or 2 a year. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome. (This is a very manageable issue with diet and exercise). The difference is that I had had sex with a guy, protected sex, but I was convinced that the condom didn’t work. I was so paranoid and took lots of pg tests over the course of several months. Finally I went to the gyno and have a check up. She put me on birth control to help regulate my period. I think you should go to the gyno, but I do NOT believe you are pregnant. But I think a dr can help with your irregular periods.

I was not overweight but changing my diet and increasing exercise made all my issues and irregular periods much better. Good luck! You are not pregnant.

25-01-18, 03:47
You’re not pregnant. Trust the home pregnancy tests.

25-01-18, 09:24
I have 2 children. The last time I was pregnant the doctor didn't even bother to do a test at the surgery because he said that these days home tests are so reliable (I had taken 3 home tests). You are not pregnant.

25-01-18, 21:53
I’m 8 months pregnant. You’d know it!!

25-01-18, 22:10
There have been a few thread like this here so you're not alone. That being said, if you're pregnant, we're potentially looking at the 2nd coming of Jesus :winks:

Positive thoughts

26-01-18, 01:24
That being said, if you're pregnant, we're potentially looking at the 2nd coming of Jesus :winks:

Positive thoughts


This literally made me LOL.

03-02-18, 15:11
Well the simple answer is NO you aren't pregnant look at the overwhelming evidence several home pregnancy tests ALL negative so you have the answer from that alone it's not rocket science :) ATB