View Full Version : Red patch in mouth

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15-03-18, 19:46
I have one question for u guys: Do I think teeth rubbing actually caused my red patch??

15-03-18, 20:41
I have one question for u guys: Do I think teeth rubbing actually caused my red patch??

We don't know. Do you think "teeth rubbing" caused it?

15-03-18, 22:02
I meant do you

---------- Post added at 21:50 ---------- Previous post was at 21:49 ----------

Because the dentist said it was caused by teeth rubbing

---------- Post added at 22:02 ---------- Previous post was at 21:50 ----------

So do u guys think it was??

15-03-18, 22:17
As KK77 said.......we have no way of knowing. How can we guess about a minor colour difference inside the mouth of someone we've never even met. What do YOU think ?

15-03-18, 22:52
I seriously don’t know if it was caused my teeth rubbing, but the dentist said it was

---------- Post added at 22:52 ---------- Previous post was at 22:21 ----------

Because the dentist said it was caused by teeth rubbing

15-03-18, 23:24
Bl4ze - please take some time out from here and do something normal for a change. I thought your parents had banned you from being online.

You need to get on with your life and stop posting on here all the time asking for reassurance as it isn't working.

We can't help you further and you need to talk to people in real life and not internet strangers as it is doing no good at all.

I really need you to do this please. Thanks

16-03-18, 21:09
Ohhhhh k

21-03-18, 22:21
So now what am I supposed to do??

21-03-18, 22:37
I told you what you can do above ^^^^^

Catherine S
21-03-18, 22:39
You acknowledged what Nicola said in her post because you answered her, so what she has suggested is what you are supposed to do now. What you don't do is try to start this off again and draw people in. You might be feeling bored today, but stop with this now ok? You are a 13 year old child and you are the responsibility of your parents. They sound like good parents, and they are the people who are responsible for your health and wellbeing. ..not strangers on an online forum.

Catherine S
22-03-18, 00:06
Else, why not have some respect for what the admins are trying to do here. If you feel you must keep this going, why not just send a private message rather than challenge admin openly on this thread? What is it that you object to about the logic that's been applied here tonight? Do tell.

22-03-18, 00:13
I didn’t read every single post.. i was just noting about how his parents reacted and saying it can be hard for people to understand unless it’s happened to them but that not understanding doesn’t mean they don’t care.. i didn’t mean people on here not understanding. I would not dare make one comment about the whole oral C word or try to give into reassuring!! didn’t mean for it to come off like I was disrespecting anyone. Thought i was helping but ok I won’t bother posting again

Catherine S
22-03-18, 00:34
Not posting ever again is a little over reaction there Elise. You don't really have to read the whole thread, only the last few posts to see what the administrators were trying to do for the best. But you were trying to help, i'm sure bl4ze appreciates it :)

22-03-18, 00:37
Haha sorry and to be honest I am an anxious wreck so i was going out on a limb there posting, i tend to do more silent browsing than posting because i’m really not much help at the moment having a relapse but hopefully one day i’ll be more of a help :P just felt really sad about someone so young having health anxiety. Hope he will be ok x
Elise x

Catherine S
22-03-18, 00:43
I understand yes, no worries. Yes it's really sad that somebody so young is asking for help on a forum. I hope you get the help you need too.

Take care x

22-03-18, 09:03
Hey Elise,

Its fine, don't get concerned about it.....lots of new people come on and post on these threads, that have been going forever, and don't know the back-story. I don't think you were disrespectful, or challenging anyone, and you have a perfect right to object to 'logic' anyway if you wish to. It may be logic to some people, but to others its simply another opinion, and we all have thoughts and opinions that are valid, and I'm not sure that anybody has the definitive answer.

Take care, and do keep posting, you are really welcome here.

03-04-18, 05:05
Guys can someone help me to make this red patch go away like do I have to rinse it or something like that?? It’s not going away

---------- Post added at 04:05 ---------- Previous post was at 04:04 ----------

And my ha has gone down a lot to be honest, I don’t know if I need cbt or something now, if this patch goes away I think I’ll be happy and fine

05-04-18, 00:42
Guys can someone help me to make this red patch go away like do I have to rinse it or something like that?? It’s not going away

---------- Post added at 04:05 ---------- Previous post was at 04:04 ----------

And my ha has gone down a lot to be honest, I don’t know if I need cbt or something now, if this patch goes away I think I’ll be happy and fine

Try rinsing with warm salt water. It will help heal irritation/canker sore.

You have been given a lot of useful links and advice on this thread. Go back and read posts again.

05-04-18, 05:13
Ok I hope this goes away

---------- Post added at 04:13 ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 ----------

Guys, can somebody please answer this, I got scared reading another post now.

For a while now everytime I eat something like let’s say rice, literally like one rice particle gets stuck in the left side of my throat like there’s just a hole there and it gets stuck that’s what it feels like. And it’s only been rice, so it’s kinda weird. Please somebody help

05-04-18, 05:50
I can't say with rice, hopefully someone else can explain it better, but I've had many a time I've swallowed pills that hit the back of my throat and it leaves a sensation that something is there. It feels like it is stuck but it really isn't. It goes after a while.

I know non anxious people who say the same.

The trouble is we notice such things are start to worry. With swallowing you get a similar worry to with breathing; that it is essential and for it to be impeded may be an emergency.

Think about if it really was a hole. Surely you eat smaller things than a grain of rice? Why don't they get stuck? Why don't larger things get wedged into that space due to part of it slotting into the hole?

05-04-18, 05:53
Well the rice grain only gets stuck if I swallow it down the left side of my throat and sometimes it doesn’t get stuck sometimes it does. Yes I didn’t understand why only rice gets stuck, is it because of my post nasal drip? In December my dr looked down my throat clearly and said he only saw mucus nothing else no growths or anything like that since this food is getting stuck near the top of my throat I’m pretty sure he was able to see that part of the throat and nothing was there so is nothing there?

05-04-18, 06:35
It makes sense it could be, I guess. All the mucus makes things seem more obvious, I've found. I've always had mucus issues which I assumed were linked to my asthma as the meds have various side effects. Sometimes I would feel like something is there so the drip may be a possibility.

Above all a doctor has looked and not seen anything of concern. That is the most important thing.

Many anxiety sufferers struggle with throat symptoms. It could be that and the rice just leaves some sensation there which you add to through focusing on it.

The salt water gargling that was mentioned earlier is worth trying. I do that to help break up mucus and clean the throat when I have colds. It's an old remedy still used today and even dentists recommend it for certain things, as do doctors, so it obviously helps.

17-04-18, 05:33
Guys I’m spiraling again someone plz help me.

I researched about the patch again because I’m an idiot and there are small red dots in the patch they look like small scratches or cuts and over the past few weeks there is another lighter patch under the main one and I’m spiraling I was fine for sooooo long why

---------- Post added at 04:06 ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 ----------

Please I hate this I keep having more problems on top of problems it can’t go away can it!

---------- Post added at 04:15 ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 ----------

Can someone help me out? Panicking

---------- Post added at 04:33 ---------- Previous post was at 04:15 ----------


17-04-18, 11:44
Terry replied to you above. Did you read those posts properly, or skim through them quickly?

You will keep coming back here with more and more symptoms unless you do something about your HA. It won't disappear forever on its own.

So what are you going to do?

17-04-18, 17:14
Yes but I’ve read more about this red patch and it seems to be 99% of the time OC apparently

---------- Post added at 16:14 ---------- Previous post was at 16:11 ----------

I’ve been fine for the past few months and then my idiotic brain decided to google again

17-04-18, 17:25
Yep, well, there we go.....you started reading up online and researching and of course you wont come up with 'its nothing' will you. You will come up with your worst fear. Do you think that will stop you doing it again Blaze ? :winks:

Please I hate this I keep having more problems on top of problems it can’t go away can it!

You haven't got a problem though Blaze, well not a physical one anyway. I'm really sorry that you've not been able to see a way to get some help with this, or at least ask your parents for some self-help material from the book list here. :weep:

17-04-18, 20:23
I’m fine I guess if I don’t think about it I don’t know if I need books or anything

---------- Post added at 19:23 ---------- Previous post was at 16:52 ----------

I’m still scared about the patch anyway

21-06-18, 03:06
Alright guys just wanted to update

The patch used to be smaller and to the top corner, and now it’s come down lower and became bigger but the one at top corner looks like it went away. A bit weird

01-07-18, 07:40
Alright if everyone wants to ignore this....

The patch now pretty much covers 98% of my inner cheek, including like the part under my gums. People ignoring this isn’t nice

01-07-18, 07:49
Well then your doctor needs to check it out. Ask your parents to make you an appointment, and let us know how you get on. If your parents won’t make one, then talk to a teacher or someone in authority at school. We can’t help you much here because we aren’t medically trained.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-07-18, 09:39
Already did dentist said teeth rubbing but that was like four months back and that was when it was a lot smaller. It’s pretty big now, and it’s like everywhere in my inner cheek

---------- Post added at 06:51 ---------- Previous post was at 06:50 ----------


This post is like my problem I think. Anyone know how this was resolved?

---------- Post added at 07:35 ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 ----------

And by the way the patch has a bunch of cuts on it as well, they may be from teeth rubbing

---------- Post added at 08:39 ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 ----------


01-07-18, 09:44
So go back! Doctors not dentist. If it’s got worse then it needs to be looked at again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-07-18, 14:00
Well I’ve been told that dentists specialize more in these things than doctors, my doctor just says if it hurts then come see me. Teeth rubbing makes sense I guess, but I’m just scared that it might not be now that it’s pretty much my entire inner cheek. You can cover your entire cheek by teeth rubbing right? If the actual genuine answer by u guys is yes, that’s all I need to hear.

---------- Post added at 13:00 ---------- Previous post was at 12:04 ----------


01-07-18, 19:15

01-07-18, 19:26

Please, no mouth cave pics! :scared15: Read the thread. This is a 13 year old "child". Asking to post pics just feeds the dragon.

Positive thoughts

02-07-18, 07:28
Yea don’t know if I should send pics of my mouth, but when I FEEL it with my finger, it covers like my entire cheek because it feels kinda softish rough type feeling but when I see it it’s only like red towards the edge and it has small cuts in it

---------- Post added at 06:28 ---------- Previous post was at 06:27 ----------

Like at the edge part of the patch towards the middle of that it red, the red part is kinda big I guess

29-09-18, 05:52
Hey, I'm experiencing something VERY similar to this. Did it went away? How?