View Full Version : Feeling weird in my head/pressure/feel out of it/tired. Scared of brain tumour

25-01-18, 16:35
Has anyone had a stage of feeling really out of it in the head? Almost like brain fogginess, as if I am underwater. I feel so not with it and have been getting head pressure and dizziness for weeks. I also feel extremely tired all the time too to the point where I want to go to sleep all the time.
I am finding it hard to concentrate on anything. The pressure freaks me out as I feel like I'm about to pass out or have a fit or something (obviously I haven't) but it's just that fear of it happening and the horrible pressure feeling. I also keep feeling like my legs feel very weak as if I am going to collapse which is most likely anxiety but it's a horrible feeling.

I am terrified i've got a brain tumour, it doesn't help that my mum actually had a brain tumour years ago so it's something that does scare me.
I just feel so out of it but it's rather hard to explain.

I had a full blood count recently which came back fine... not that that would show a brain issue, but it's ruled out some things such as thyroid issues etc.

Has anyone else had this sort of constant brain fog feeling? I feel like i'm also in a constant state of derealisation and depersonalisation