View Full Version : Internal hemorrhoids question

25-01-18, 17:06
This is a bit embarrassing, but if you've been diagnosed with internal hemorrhoids in the past, should you just assume that any bleeding is from them? I'm a 29-year-old woman--went to the doctor last spring because I saw a fair amount of (pretty bright) blood in the toilet bowl/on the side of my stool. I'd also had a couple other instances like that a year or so earlier, and had an occult blood test, which was negative. Anyway, the doctor did an examination and said I had hemorrhoids, and I've tried to accept that diagnosis and not go running back to the doctor, despite never totally shaking the fear that it's colon cancer (I get a lot of crampy/stitch-like pain on the left hand side--probably IBS). I've sort of relapsed with my health anxiety lately, though, due to real medical issues (possibility of a recurring collapsed lung, which I've had several times in the past), so when I saw a bit of blood this morning while wiping, I panicked a little. It was only a tiny bit, and bright red, but I keep worrying that it was "in" the stool rather than "on" it--sorry to be graphic, but it can be kind of hard to tell on the toilet paper. Should I just chalk this up to hemorrhoids?

25-01-18, 17:10
If you are worried then get an examination done to confirm.

It is most likely piles though to be honest.

25-01-18, 20:33
I have internal and external hemmeroids although the external ones come and go whenever they fancy. A lot of times the toilet (bm) has bright red blood in it...I just look and think “oh well piles again” flush and then get on with the day...it’s because i know that’s what it is. If you have loose stools and really bad stomach pains then maybe get checked out x

29-01-18, 10:36

Bright Red Blood per Rectum is an extremely common symptom. The description of the blood is usually very good at determining where it came from.

Blood that coats the surface of the stool and is CLEARLY SEPARATE from it indicates a source at the anus - or just inside of it. If this were a tumour, it should be felt on digital rectal exam.

This sounds like the type of bleeding you've had, so I'd not worry about it especially if your doctor is not concerned.

Source: Patient UK Doctor, Rectal Bleeding (Patient Plus Articles)