View Full Version : Increase the dose

25-01-18, 18:52
I've been on 10mg for the past 2 months. I do feel better, but each time i try to reduce the lorazepam i was taking along with it anxietu comes back. I do have a doctors appointment next week and she might suggest to move up to 15mg.

Do you get the bad side effects of Cipralex when increasing or should it be ok?


25-01-18, 22:01
Like with anything you will feel some side effects... maybe taper the benzo down slowly etc.... hang in there it will get bwtter

26-01-18, 06:50
Like with anything you will feel some side effects... maybe taper the benzo down slowly etc.... hang in there it will get bwtterAt this point i don't feel ready to get of Ativan. I take small dose, 0.5mg in the morning and evening.