View Full Version : Feel Really Really Anxious

01-07-07, 13:46
Not having a great day, and hopefully someone can suggest something, I feel really really anxious today, so anxious infact i've paced the floor all day, I can't sit at peace, its really hard even typing this I suppose adjutated would be the word. Any one any advice, its really getting me down

01-07-07, 14:58
Hello Sam,

I really sympathise with you over this.

When I was like this - caged lion is a good description! - I found trying to focus on one particular thing helped me stay on top of it. Didn't make the agitation go away completely, but it took the edge off it.

I'd start off doing really simple things like folding the laundry or putting things away ( about the only time I was meticulously tidy was when I was like this!) I'd force myself to concentrate. It was like I was a baby learning all over again - but it worked.

You've managed a certain amount of distraction anyway by successfully typing your post.:)

You probably already know the more you pace, the more adrenalin you'll pump, so the key is to 'come down' off the rush so as to give your body the time it needs to deal with the surge.

Hope this has helped a little bit

Here's a :hugs:for you!

01-07-07, 19:02
Distraction is definately the best solution when I feel like that. You have to really force yourself to do something (anything!) to focus your mind away from the anxiety. For me, talking to someone seems to help as it means you have to actively use your mind. If you've no-one to talk to, try the "chat room" link at the top of this page :)

03-07-07, 13:12
Hello Sam,

How are things?


03-07-07, 14:37
hi there i am a bit like this could not sit down or feel comfortable what ever i was doing, i dont know how you feel about meds but i have taken 10mg propranalol for panic for years now as and when. the doctor has put me on to 40mg 4 times daily and that has helped loads with the agitation side physically anyway, my mind still runs a 100mph but my body is not as bad.

think you have to have blood pressure checked before these be prescribed but it might be worth a chat with your doctor.

t.c. x