View Full Version : Sepsis fear?

25-01-18, 20:51
Hello, I'm 23 and suffer with GAD, Panic Disorder and Mild depression. I struggle with Health Anxiety alot, (heart etc)
Now recently I keep seeing in the news young people dying from Sepsis and it's really triggering my anxiety.. to the point of where I'm waking up hot with a racing heart and I end up calling 999 because I feel like my heart is going to stop on me, I read that these young people have the flu and it turns into Sepsis very quickly. I've just got over an ear infection without antibiotics and I went the walk in centre, my temp was fine and so was my ear.. today I was suppose to have my impacted wisdom teeth out but I couldn't due to not being able have LA today.. so now I'm riddled with worry about Sepsis, my face keeps going hot and my throat feels scratchy.. :( why am I so afraid of this

25-01-18, 22:52
I am in the same boat as you! I just got over back to back viral infections and was/still am terrified I could have sepsis.

The one thing that did help me is that people were saying if you had sepsis you would know it. It would happen instantly not over the course of a week like how long I've been worrying about it.

What's helped me is trying to stop Google-ing and taking deep breaths. I don't know if you have a smart watch but both the Apple Watch and my Fitbit Blaze have a breathe app that has been wonderful for the past week. I'd also recommend looking at positive forums on here to see what others do when they are in similar bouts.

We can do this!

25-01-18, 23:22
The only thing that bothers me about it is how you're supposed to tell the difference between flu and sepsis. Sepsis in it's early stages has the same symptoms of the flu

26-01-18, 00:41
The only thing that bothers me about it is how you're supposed to tell the difference between flu and sepsis. Sepsis in it's early stages has the same symptoms of the flu

You have to have an infection first

26-01-18, 07:16
Please don't read any more flu articles!