View Full Version : High resting heart rate

25-01-18, 20:58
I am currently taking Duloxetine for anxiety. I've noticed a high resting heart rate in the 90's. Did anyone else have this with their meds and did it go away?

25-01-18, 21:00
I have it all the time without medication but I’m fat and out of shape.

25-01-18, 21:08
I have gained weight myself and out of shape. That could also be a factor.

25-01-18, 23:29
90's isn't even tachycardia. That's pretty normal, especially for someone who is anxious and checking their pulse constantly :)

26-01-18, 17:06
Anything between 60 and 100 is considered "normal" for resting heart rate. Also, it will vary depending on when you're taking it. My HR can be in the 50s in the evening when I'm relaxing on the couch, up to the high 80s when I'm sitting at my desk at work. And it is always higher for about an hour after I eat. Plus, if you're worried about it, it's going to go up every time you check due to anxiety. I can switch over to the HR view on my watch and literally see my HR climb just because I'm checking it.

26-01-18, 18:18
You all make very good points! Thank you. I put down the fit bit! no more checking for now :)

26-01-18, 18:43
Your only real resting heart rate is first thing in the morning just after you wake up. Assuming a nightmare or panic attack hasn't woken you up.

Mine can be as low as about 55-57 in the morning, but tends to sit at 75-80 for the rest of the day, and around 80-90 in the evening after my main meal.