View Full Version : Cramp in foot

25-01-18, 21:18
When i had flu 6 weeks ago after a week of never leaving the house and walking either in socks or totally flat slippers i got bad cramp in the inner arch of right foot evertime i turned over from my right side to left in bed. Left me with sore foot every day. I assumed it was the barefoot for a week that had started it so made sure i wore my usual shoes in daytime but 6 weeks later every 2/3nights it comes back and even had it in daytime.
I was googling how to help foot cramp and every site said if it persists for weeks to see dr as serious underlying disease can cause foot cramps!!!
My sensible mind says i have annoyed my foot and once you have had cramp it is so easy to trigger it again BUT. What would you do and any tips to help stop it?

Catherine S
25-01-18, 21:41
You've 'annoyed your foot' I love that :D My feet have been annoyed for years then, as I suffer from really painful cramps usually in my toes where they go into spasm. The pain has been bad enough to make me cry, and having to pull the car over if driving when it happens.

However, there is also a condition called plantar fasciitis that can occur after wearing very flat shoes or sandals or going barefoot. It involves pain from the back of the heel through to the instep and is extremely painful. Try googling it...there's nothing sinister to read...to see if you can compare it to yourself. Unfortunately, once you develop it, it seems to recur as has happened with me. I seem to get it every few months if i'm not careful.

25-01-18, 22:27
I have had plantar fascitis a few times in my other foot which was very different to this. I never got cramp with it and it was painless until i stood up and walked. Pretty horrible it was and lasted 3 months each time. I have never had cramp in my feet before it is so unbelievably painful. I think it leaves some strain/damage where muscle attaches or it ferls like it does as its so sore next day!

Catherine S
25-01-18, 22:58
Yes, when the cramp is extremely painful it can leave alot of tenderness afterwards. But of course if you're really worried you can always ask somebody medically trained what they think. Cramp can be caused by a lack of certain minerals such as calcium and magnesium and as we get older, we are more prone to it happening more often as the muscles that support our feet become thinner.

26-01-18, 08:31
Thank you. I will ask my gp at appt i have next week.