View Full Version : caution vs reassurance seeking? help!

25-01-18, 21:50
OK, so I noticed a visual disturbance in my right eye a few weeks back. It is a large spot that looks like the effect you get when you push against your eyeball. I'd just had a check up with an optometrist a few weeks prior, so I managed to stay calm for a while but gradually I got scared it might be a retinal problem like a tear. Soooo, I went back to the optometrist and he dilated my eyes but couldn't find anything to explain it.

That was last Thursday. Since then, I've become obsessed with checking this spot and have got myself into a state where I can't eat or sleep. I think about this spot non-stop. I can't decide whether to see an ophthalmologist and have my eyes dilated again, or tell myself no, you are OK and just stop the checking behaviour. I know I have become hypervigilant of this spot and now I see it everywhere, whereas before it was only when I closed my other eye and looked at a white wall.

Between this and the bulbar fear, I feel like I'm losing my mind :weep:

25-01-18, 21:53
Hey Mel... remind us what you're doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

26-01-18, 00:29
It's not something I can put down to anxiety though. Wish I'd never noticed it. Now I can't unsee it :(

26-01-18, 07:06
If you just got your eyes dilated, I'd say you're being hyper vigilant. In general the vibe I get from you is more severe anxiety, less physical ailments. (I definitely don't think you have ALS)

What would it take for you to try to work on your anxiety?

26-01-18, 08:49
It's not something I can put down to anxiety though. Wish I'd never noticed it. Now I can't unsee it :(

That's how it goes with HA though...