View Full Version : Breakthrough? Hopefully

25-01-18, 22:02
Hey guys. So I'm new to the forum and have been suffering with severe anxiety and GERD for a couple years. My most scary symptom was being terrified of even the slightest exercise such as even walking a block for feeling like I was going to pass out or die from the slightest exertion. Normally I get this feeling when alone. I've started an elimination diet with just eating baked chicken, vegetables, water, and bananas. So today I decide to go to the gym with friends (I'm 42) and they talk me into playing three on three basketball. I am worried but decided just to roll with it like this stuff isn't going to beat me. So I go all out playing ball with my buddies and even though I was tired from being out of shape not once did I need to stop because I felt like I was going to pass out or because I became dizzy. I'm not sure it was because I started my new Gerd diet or because I decided to play without fear. A small baby step I guess which is good nowadays. I feel like I need to sleep for three days LOL but no palpitations or dizziness. I wonder now if my GERD is caused by my anxiety or is exacerbated by it. If so the mind is a powerful thing.

25-01-18, 22:35
That's great ! That's more than a baby step, thats lots of running around big steps. :yesyes:

25-01-18, 22:39

A big congratulations on playing ball today! That’s fantastic! I too was the same and bit the bullet and started going to the gym! Soon I began to increase pace, not fear the breathlessness and just push myself. It took a while but it’s paying off. Really happy for you well done!!!:yahoo: