View Full Version : Anxiety relapse

25-01-18, 23:25
I was feeling better for about a week but I'm not in an anxious spiral again. I was doing some stretches last night and tried a new one. As I went to lie down and raise my right arm, there was a sudden pain in the muscle near my armpit. When I woke up this morning, the pain is still there in certain positions. Whilst a part of me believes it is muscular, another part wonders whether it is because there is a mass or tumour in my chest or breast. I am trying the online CBT program but it doesn't seem to be working. I am trying so hard not to see the doctors and deal with this on my own :huh: Would it be better to see a doctor, just in case?

26-01-18, 04:03
I’d give it a few more days, I always try to give myself a few days. If the pain is the same in 5-7 days then I give myself the okay to be seen. You could have injured yourself. Stop poking and prodding, and stop stretching for now. Try some icy hot or biofreeze and see if that soothes it. Also, stop trying to stretch the same way to see if it still hurts you’re just irritating it.
Don’t let this sidetrack you, I’m in a slideback right now as well. Two weeks after an all clear I’m suddenly doubting it with pain in that area. I keep telling myself, I’m hypersensitive/hyperaware in that area right now. I’m okay, I saw a professional specialist, breathe and don’t think about it. I say that numerous times in a day. My goal this year is to not let this HA control my life. Let’s do this! :)

26-01-18, 05:00
Thanks x
Yeah I don’t really feel the pain anymore but it still feels a bit tight :huh: I tried comparing both arms in each position but I think the right one which is the one that felt funny feels a bit tighter? I’ll give it a few days I think before I start running to the doctors