View Full Version : How long will this last?

26-01-18, 07:51
Not enjoying life, just constantly worrying and having hardly any sleep because our 9 month old has started waking for hours between 1 and 5am .. I feel like I’m really struggling.. I’ve got a really upset stomach, no appetite, a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and just don’t want to do anything.. I get some comfort when my partner is home from work and seem to settle in the evening and have a couple of hours rest on the sofa but by the early hours of the following morning I feel terrible again 😞 I haven’t been diagnosed with anything but I’m certain I do have something, I just don’t feel strong enough to go and see the dr about it.
I had a bad lapse like this last year that lasted weeks and I don’t want to keep having this happen every year, it feels debilitating :(

26-01-18, 07:56
Hiyer Blox123,

There are a few replies to your previous posts, I think it would be helpful to go back and read those threads today too. I mentioned on one of my replies that I felt you had some depressive elements going on....and now you say you have a 9 month old daughter....I am wondering if you have been assessed for post natal depression? I know going to the doctor isn't something you want to do, but I think its really important you go, and perhaps your mother of partner could go with you to support?

26-01-18, 08:05
Blox - where in the country are you?
It's impossible to say how long this will last, because you need to get yourself some help lovely. Can someone go to the doctors with you?

I always got worse when my little ones woke up during the night. Try nap when you can, eat well and try to talk to people. I would always make porridge and a coffee for breakfast- recommend!!

Is your health visitor still involved? Mine was very helpful and supportive when I was unwell and anxious when my children were younger than 1. Xx

26-01-18, 10:41
Sleep deprivation from the baby alone can make you feel like utter crap.

Both ours started to settle down a bit at about 12 months.