View Full Version : Doomsday clock

26-01-18, 09:05
Someone tell me this thing is nonsense and I shouldn't let it worry me.

26-01-18, 09:16
Same here.

26-01-18, 09:52
The clock was created by atomic scientists yearrrrsss ago to try and create a metaphor for how 'ill at ease' the world was within its global climate, it moves back and forth the whole time, but obviously it is the current talk of 'nuclear' that has made them move it closer to midnight. It is not a prophecy, and nor does it mean that it will continue to move in the direction towards midnight as I wouldn't mind betting that in a couple of years it'll be moving back again (as the US political situation resolves and other world leaders draw back on their rhetoric etc.). The clock has moved back and forth many times since its creation and I prefer to think of it as a warning to some world leaders that they just aren't getting it right, rather than a sign of absolute impending doom, which I don't think it is! Complete and utter nonsense?- its hard to say that when scientists are evaluating global threats and saying there are some big issues that need addressing. However, remember it IS a metaphor ONLY !!!

Does it worry me ? No, for three reasons, firstly I think that the 'dangerous place' the world is perceived as right now is something that can be addressed and that good people want to address it, secondly there isn't a thing I can personally do about it and won't spend time getting upset about something outside of my power as I'm not able to influence global change to that extent :D. Thirdly I refuse to spend time worrying about a metaphor, and a perspective, created by ONE group of people. I recall when I was a teenager (don't know if you are or not) it really deeply upset and worried me. Every, prophecy got to me a huge amount and the 'world ending' as forseen by Mr.X in 1856 ruined my day lol

(BTW I hope someone else can come along and explain the doomesday clock better than I have :o))

26-01-18, 10:31
The situation is the same as the day before. It gives them something to do and something for the media to run with.

We could create a "UK government is a pile of poo to midnight" clock if we wanted. They might need a daily meeting about where to move the hands though. But the point is - what difference does it make?

26-01-18, 10:36
The situation is the same as the day before. It gives them something to do and something for the media to run with.

We could create a "UK government is a pile of poo now, and now, and now, and now" clock if we wanted. They might need a daily meeting about where to move the hands though. But the point is - what difference does it make?

Edited for accuracy.

But seriously, the Doomsday clock is akin to whatever shit is on the front page of the Daily Mail right now. It's a device for instilling fear based on opinion and small samples of data.

It's basically this :-


26-01-18, 11:21
Here's what I find particularly hard to resolve in this whole doomsday clock thing. In 1947 they decided to start the metaphorical clock (aka annual media event) and set it at 7 minutes to midnight. Now, why 7 minutes to midnight ? Why not 10.30am or 5 pm (tea time lol)? Seems a rather arbitary way to start it off, and designed to create hysteria by, right from the start, having it so close to midnight.

See, if they'd started it at say a nice early lunch at 12.15, then by now we'd only be at around supper time...so no reason for alarm :)

26-01-18, 13:09
As much as this gets to me, I've now seen articles about Russian plots to disrupt UK infrastructure. Why would they want to do such a thing. Do they want a war???

26-01-18, 13:16
Sure the world as we know it will come to a end but no one knows the hr or day it's impossible to even remotely calculate even with the most powerful computers in the world and that's a FACT :) for those who are religiously inclined even they agree that a day/time cant be said. Look at the leader of the JW's he had house built specially for the messiah in 19:19 (I think)as they believed he was coming did he arrive, no of course he didn't LOL so there is nothing to worry about it's not happening any time soon ATB

26-01-18, 13:19
Confusion.....errrm.....I thought we were still on the doomsday clock? One world conspiracy theory at a time ey. :roflmao:

26-01-18, 13:38
Here's what I find particularly hard to resolve in this whole doomsday clock thing. In 1947 they decided to start the metaphorical clock (aka annual media event) and set it at 7 minutes to midnight. Now, why 7 minutes to midnight ? Why not 10.30am or 5 pm (tea time lol)? Seems a rather arbitary way to start it off, and designed to create hysteria by, right from the start, having it so close to midnight.

See, if they'd started it at say a nice early lunch at 12.15, then by now we'd only be at around supper time...so no reason for alarm :)

So we get most of the day :yesyes:

26-01-18, 13:43
Absolutely, plenty of time for watching a few things on catchup and doing the dishes etc. :D

26-01-18, 13:59
Exactly and my fav meal tonight Batter Burger Chips and mushy peas and a few eps of Cell Block H LOL I will post a link in a bit that I have just read all about the Dooms Day Clock be sure to read it :) ATB

---------- Post added at 13:59 ---------- Previous post was at 13:47 ----------

Decided to post it now: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/what-doomsday-clock-closer-end-11911831

26-01-18, 15:56
Exactly and my fav meal tonight Batter Burger Chips and mushy peas and a few eps of Cell Block H LOL I will post a link in a bit that I have just read all about the Dooms Day Clock be sure to read it :) ATB

---------- Post added at 13:59 ---------- Previous post was at 13:47 ----------

Decided to post it now: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/what-doomsday-clock-closer-end-11911831

I'm going to find my balaclava and sneak in to wind it backward 2 minutes to annoy them. Problem solved! :ninja:

26-01-18, 16:14
LOL or pull the plug on it or even better get Microsoft to update the clock ha ha, out of interest has any one read the link on this yet? Personally it's scaremongering thb even those top scientists don't have clue either as to what's really happening even though at 3pm the altered the clock yet again got better things to worry about to be fair! ATB

26-01-18, 16:17
I read a guardian article about it, or was it independent can't recall. I also followed a link to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and was a little way into their own essay on the subject....half a page in....and.....couldn't be bothered to carry on. lol

26-01-18, 16:23
Think they are pretty much the same ole and people actually believe it get a life ;) ATB

26-01-18, 18:56
Pretty much all my life there's been one end of the world scenario or another. And I'm still here :D

23-09-19, 14:26
Good God, I've just noticed the clock is set at 2 minutes to midnight - the closest it's been since 1953! That's... terrifying! I knew Trump would drag us down this path...

23-09-19, 19:00
Good God, I've just noticed the clock is set at 2 minutes to midnight - the closest it's been since 1953! That's... terrifying! I knew Trump would drag us down this path...Why what's going on? Iran? Trump recently sacked the bloke he said was too much of a warmonger which doesn't exactly sound like the maniac the media tried to paint him as from the start (which has been proven BS for ages now).

23-09-19, 23:52
Well it says on Wikipedia: "The failure of world leaders to deal with looming threats of nuclear war and climate change. This is the clock's closest approach to midnight, matching that of 1953. In 2019, the Bulletin reaffirmed the "two minutes to midnight" time, citing continuing climate change and Trump administration's abandonment of U.S. efforts to lead the world toward decarbonization; U.S. withdrawal from Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty; U.S. and Russian nuclear modernization efforts; information warfare threats and other dangers from "disruptive technologies" such as synthetic biology, artificial intelligence, and cyberwarfare."

It pretty much says: The world will end in 12 years if we don't end all carbon output and nuclear proliferation now. Either way will doubtless kill us all just as dead.

24-09-19, 01:39
I wonder what the clock said during all the wars and the Cold War then which were much more inflamed times than now? So, Trump (remembering he's been in how many years and still hasn't caused any conflicts) is a big worry yet the Cold War wasn't? The nuclear arms race wasn't? The Iraq wars, tension in the Middle East, increased terrorism, etc are all smaller problems than someone who has caused nothing near the size of these issues and blathers a lot?

If Climate Change will kill us all in 12 years then we may as well just party. You have to wonder why the politicians are bothering even talking about long term goals. Someone had better let Greta know she is wasting her time (or rather those who use her as a frontman for a campaign that is). Or could it just be a load of nonsense? :winks:

24-09-19, 11:05
Good God, I've just noticed the clock is set at 2 minutes to midnight - the closest it's been since 1953! That's... terrifying! I knew Trump would drag us down this path...

Gees,take a bex powder make a cuppa tea and have a good lie down.

24-09-19, 11:09
Why what's going on? Iran? Trump recently sacked the bloke he said was too much of a warmonger which doesn't exactly sound like the maniac the media tried to paint him as from the start (which has been proven BS for ages now).

Regardless, he is still a maniac on a mission.:D

24-09-19, 11:39
I wonder what the clock said during all the wars and the Cold War then which were much more inflamed times than now? So, Trump (remembering he's been in how many years and still hasn't caused any conflicts) is a big worry yet the Cold War wasn't? The nuclear arms race wasn't? The Iraq wars, tension in the Middle East, increased terrorism, etc are all smaller problems than someone who has caused nothing near the size of these issues and blathers a lot?

Ironically, the closest we got then was 3 minutes in 1984! That was when all those nuclear war movies were being made. What changed? Have we become so apathetic that we're willing to let ourselves be destroyed?

24-09-19, 21:33
I never pay attention to that damn thing it's just there to instill fear.

25-09-19, 13:33
Oh yeah, the clock isn't just about nuclear war now, it covers the environment too. That might have something to do with it.