View Full Version : 11 weeks at 20 mg Citalopram

26-01-18, 13:49
Hi all
I’ve been using Citalopram on/off for many years and recently had a relapse with anxiety and mildish depression.
My GP put me on Venlafaxine for 5 weeks but I came off it as it wasn’t working for me and I struggled. I was cross tapered back to 20 mg Cit, this was 11 weeks ago!! At the moment my mood is up and down all day and night and can’t settle, anxiety’s through the roof and I get quite bad tinnitus. Should this still be the case after 11 weeks? Anyone had any similar effects?
I currently see my GP fortnightly and would never consider changing anything without consulting him. Please feel free to post

26-01-18, 16:58
Hey there,

The general consensus here seems to be to give the drug 8-12 weeks. Your basically at the tail end of that and if your still feeling all over the place i would bring that up to my doctor.

I lasted 8 weeks on 20mg and the side effects i had were pretty brutal and unbearable so i decided to come off. All you may need is a different med or a dosage change. Hang in there and good luck!

26-01-18, 19:22
Thanks Wess :D