View Full Version : Nuclear War

26-01-18, 14:47
So the UK defence Secretary has come out and said Russia may be plotting to cripple our infrastructure through more hacking and cutting our continental energy lines. He said this threat is imminent. I'm terrified. If this is true why would Russia do this? That can only lead to really bad things right?

26-01-18, 15:19
Confusion,there have been lots of replies on your last thread about the doomsday clock, did you find those helpful?

I know nothing about this report you are quoting, other than having see it in headlines. One thing I do know though,is that there are plenty of incredibly intelligent, well informed people who are there to protect us from such incidents. I don't know what you are sat there reading, to move so quickly from doomsday clock to russia about to cut off our infrastructure, but I don't think its doing much good and is stoking fear, maybe read something which is pleasant and good news?

26-01-18, 15:45
Interesting the head of the armed forces has also come out saying that he wants more cash citing how we can't keep up with Russian advances in technology.

Doesn't that all sound very convenient given your post about the Defence Secretary highlighting the risks of Russia? A dept that has been getting slashed with the rest.

26-01-18, 15:47
Confusion perhaps it would make sense to keep your posts to one thread rather than spread them around.

It gets confusing for people if they see multiple similar posts


27-01-18, 07:35
That's one thing, but why are you linking this to nuclear exchanges? We have a submarine patrolling the atlantic 24/7 as the ultimate joker card, nobody is going to launch anything at us unless they have absolute 100% confidence they can take out the submarine on patrol and reduce Faslane to a pile of glowing rubble. Then they have our chain of allies to consider how they would react, I don't think France or America would take the news their ally has been dealt a nasty blow too well. Putin is very very smart and understands there's a scale of reaction to the aggression he uses, nobody was going to war over Crimea, but if they lost it, they lose an invaluable warm water port, he had to grab it, it was in their national strategic interest, would've been idiotic to let it go without a fight. I actually agree with Putin on many issues even if he don't see eye to eye with us, it's nothing personal. The man is quite enlightening on certain issues the more you read, a great quote is '“Your people, in turn, do not feel a sense of the impending danger - this is what worries me' when talking about america and the THAAD shield. He's not some beast who is going to burn our cities to the ground because he wants russia to exert more influence. I kind of miss the days where him and Bush had a little bromance going on, really insightful to read about the connection they had and the differences.

27-01-18, 08:10
Weren't both the US & EU happy meddling in Crimea too? So, another proxy of sorts?

And NATO means taking us out only brings our allies in. They would have to attack a lot more than us and I really can't see the US being happy with Russia taking out major players who they are allied with.

That's the nuclear bit. As for the gas pipeline, you cut that off Mr Putin and we cut off your supply of gay porn :winks:...and no Mr Vaz won't be popping over for the Spring rent boy party either :biggrin:

27-01-18, 09:34
. I actually agree with Putin on many issues even if he don't see eye to eye with us, it's nothing personal. The man is quite enlightening on certain issues the more you read, a great quote is '“Your people, in turn, do not feel a sense of the impending danger - this is what worries me' when talking about america and the THAAD shield. He's not some beast who is going to burn our cities to the ground because he wants russia to exert more influence. I kind of miss the days where him and Bush had a little bromance going on, really insightful to read about the connection they had and the differences.

I totally agree with you. Putin is a very reasonable guy and that's why he hasn't responded to this provocation by our idiot Defence Minister. Putin is portrayed as a monster by the lying press because he's not willing to sell out to the Globalists and sign up to the New World Order agenda. He single handedly rescued Russia from the economic depression after the break up of the Soviet Union and chased out the Oligarchs who were raping his country. He prevented a potential WW3 by standing up to the US-NATO gangsters and save Syria from destruction. Putin will go down in history as one of the greatest leaders to have ever lived.

27-01-18, 09:36
...and he loves puppy dogs, really loves them...and thats always a good sign.

27-01-18, 09:51

And he looks good on a horse :biggrin:

---------- Post added at 09:51 ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 ----------

The dolphins love him so that's good enough for me :yesyes:


27-01-18, 10:11
Yeah, I'm with the dolphins! (unless of course someone has rubbed fish steaks on his body to make the dolphins look like they adore him? BUT surely not)

27-01-18, 10:14
Blah blah blah. It's the same old game that's been played for decades.

If the news bothers you, stop reading it. There's nothing you can do about it anyway.

27-01-18, 10:49
Yeah, I'm with the dolphins! (unless of course someone has rubbed fish steaks on his body to make the dolphins look like they adore him? BUT surely not)

:D I quick rub on of l'eau de cod and Flippers anybody's :roflmao:

27-01-18, 11:09
You are right ankiteyJoe, this is the same old stuff, different players, different times, different issues.....but I recall in my YOOF being so upset about news items. The Gulf war coems to mind immediately, and I recall feeling such distress at everything I read and saaw. I guess with age you become jaded, theres only so long you can feel outraged and fearful about something you can do nothing about, after seeing it so many times.

Stop it Terry :roflmao:, you are on a roll.......l'eau de cod !!! :roflmao:

28-01-18, 07:37
Don't listen to the news, OP, it's all just either sensationalised, wrong, or useless information, with a consistent theme of fear-mongering that doesn't benefit anyone. I've realised that the only useful news is local news about my immediate community.

Interestingly, I found out the other day, that in Russia (as we are on the subject), news is kept mostly positive and uplifting. Of course this means that they still have their pick over what gets released and what doesn't, like our media does, but they use the opposite tactic for delivering the news.

In all cases of news we should probably be sceptical anyway, because news is not ALL news, it is just what has been selected to be released. And with that level of cherrypicking over the information that you know everybody will likely see, you can shape people's minds and opinions about any person, event, or any thing, at any time. I've found it wise to keep this in mind.

Who'd have thought it, Putin reduces anxiety disorders by only allowing uplifting news?!!! We could wreck their mental health with black market copies of EastEnders! :winks:

It's obviously bad to control the media but then we have our problem of too much of them saturating us all the time and out of control. Just look at the studies about staying off social media, negative news, etc?

28-01-18, 09:49
Who'd have thought it, Putin reduces anxiety disorders by only allowing uplifting news?!!! We could wreck their mental health with black market copies of EastEnders! :winks:....shall we do that before or after he has another journalist 'disappeared' ?

You know raindrop, I kind of get your cynicism on the news cycle, particularly when we get a '24 hour lets talk endlessly about nothing new relating to X'. I will say this though, we live in a dangerous age of democracy and free press being questioned, and if you are interested in being informed about the world (obviously you are saying in this case you prefer to hear about the local news only) then choosing multiple good sources helps with bias issues. I don't watch the news but read online, and that way I can be selective about what I 'hear' and intersperse with stories about a new dolphin found in outter space. (l'eau de cod put on a space shuttle Terry)

The news can be depressing for highly sensitised people, so I understand people not wanting to hear about it (personally I'm addicted to international political news), but I still think people being engaged with the wider world is a good thing and state run media is a very bad manipulative controlling measure.

Anyhow, confusion never came back to this thread, like the other one started....but its an interesting discussion.

28-01-18, 10:25
....shall we do that before or after he has another journalist 'disappeared' ?

Hmm...but what if I said Daily Mail health journalists? :winks:

Space dolphins?!!! So that's what they were, they were giving Putin a bit of a probing and they are really controlling him...now I sound like David Icke! :wacko:

28-01-18, 13:15
....shall we do that before or after he has another journalist 'disappeared' ?

Do you have any evidence that Putin's had journalists killed? There's a lot of fake news going around about Putin and Russia in general. Also, what what makes you think that our media is not state controlled? On the big issues they're all on the same page, this includes all major political parties and media houses.

28-01-18, 14:16
The news can be depressing for highly sensitised people, so I understand people not wanting to hear about it (personally I'm addicted to international political news), but I still think people being engaged with the wider world is a good thing and state run media is a very bad manipulative controlling measure.

There is very little difference between state run media and what we experience anywhere else any more. It is unbelievably manipulative.

I have a friend who was a journalist in the Middle East for 2-3 years and has written several books about the military. He said what we see here bears almost no relationship to what actually happens there.

Almost all news outlets have a political agenda which they want to push, so being engaged with the wider world has little value in my opinion. All it does is reinforce preconceived bias OR illicit disgust/disagreement/anger. The ultimate result is the same whichever reaction you have, and that is fear.

29-01-18, 12:35
While it's not an all consuming fear, it does cross my mind more often now than in the past. It's in the news constantly so that doesn't help :lac: I'm old enough to remember nuclear bomb drills where we had to get under our desks in school, put out heads between our knees and kiss our rear goodbye :winks:

What has me concerned is the warning system after what happened in Hawaii. If one person, one human error, can cause 40 minutes of raging panic in the streets, what would happen on the East or West coast or in a country like NK that doesn't have a sophisticated detection system? Could human error there or a system malfunction spark a launch?

The press hasn't given much time to this but I think they should. People need to know what to do. That being said, I live within the DC blast zone so I won't have too much time to think about it ;)

Positive thoughts

30-01-18, 21:51
There will never be a nuclear war, read 1984 by George Orwell, it'll tell you all you need to know about the higher ups wanting to keep their lofty positions - risking a war that could remove them (on both sides) just isn't worth it for them. Continuous small wars and terrorism are best for keeping the populace afraid and compliant

p.s Stop watching the news for a month then tell us how you feel.

30-01-18, 23:28
There will never be a nuclear war, read 1984 by George Orwell, it'll tell you all you need to know about the higher ups wanting to keep their lofty positions - risking a war that could remove them (on both sides) just isn't worth it for them. Continuous small wars and terrorism are best for keeping the populace afraid and compliant

p.s Stop watching the news for a month then tell us how you feel.

Spot on. It's not conspiracy theory to see and understand this.

There is so much international co-dependency now that the people who make the decisions for war would literally lose everything even if they 'won'.

The great paradox is that those that are in a position to have a nuclear button under their thumb, crave the power too much to ever risk losing it. Their power is invariably financial, and any nuclear war would effectively make all economy redundant.

31-01-18, 08:16
There will never be a nuclear war, read 1984 by George Orwell, it'll tell you all you need to know about the higher ups wanting to keep their lofty positions - risking a war that could remove them (on both sides) just isn't worth it for them. Continuous small wars and terrorism are best for keeping the populace afraid and compliant

p.s Stop watching the news for a month then tell us how you feel.

Exactly, why would they risk a nuclear war when everything is going according to plan. They already have people scared and willing to give up their freedoms so that governments can protect them from "terrorists" who don't exist. George Orwell was so ahead of his time that he definitely had inside information and the situation we're in now is much worse than 1984. In any case, those who don't watch the "news" are more informed because they are less brainwashed.