View Full Version : Health anxiety - why can't I accept I'm ok?! Still think there's something up!

26-01-18, 17:39
Ok so as you can see from the title I'm at a very severe level of health anxiety. This started back 4 months ago after a night of drinking. I felt really hyper and weird when I woke up, despite being incredibly hungover. May I mention I was newly on Prozac at the time which didn't seem to agree with me. Anyway, when I walked to the shops I suffered a weird spell like I'd never had before. I felt very nauseous and like the ground was moving, then I had a moment of depersonalization which made my legs go cold and like I was going to pass out. I got home as quickly as possible and spent the entire afternoon shaking, sweating and panicking in bed thinking I was going to die. Also I hadn't eaten anything the day before and had drunk alcohol 2 nights in a row so maybe it was low blood sugar? Another thing, I was experiencing brief moments of depersonalization before this happened since being on Prozac. An attack like that hasn't happened since *touch wood* and I never did end up in hospital.

When I woke up after this weird attack, I felt very strange in the head. It felt heavy and I felt exhausted. I don't know what that spell had done to me. I was wondering was it a panic attack? It was like I had permanent dp and dr. It hasn't gone away since and is worse when I'm out in public, particularly busy roads, supermarkets and anywhere with crowds. It's like everything is too much to take in and I don't feel real.

At first I thought I had a brain tumour. Got checked and that fear subsided. Then my periods started arriving earlier each month but I don't know if that's from stress. It's gotten to a point now where I'm experiencing symptoms I never had before this attack. My stomach is more sensitive and so is my skin. I can't leave the house at the moment unless somebody is with me as I'm so terrified of passing out. I don't feel dizzy but the sense of not being real makes my head feel weird, almost like I'm not connected to my body. I spend my whole life laying in my room now as I'm convinced I'm severely sick and I think I've done this to myself from the constant worrying. I google symptoms all day and health is on my mind 24/7.

I had a full blood count and thyroid function test along with liver function, kidney function and vitamin/electrolyte test. Everything came back normal. My blood pressure is good, it got quite low at one point but I was suffering with a cold at the time and felt dizzy from thinking I was going to faint. My doctor reassured me yesterday that I seem very healthy, he listened to my heart too and said it sounds good. He is very concerned about my mental health and his reassurance about my physical health doesn't last long. I'm terrified I've got Addisons disease or some rare hormone disease which is causing me to feel so heavy in the head and have feelings of dp/dr. I asked my GP if something wasn't right in my body if it would show up in my blood tests and he said yes.

So after all that muddled rambling, my questions are - how do I get over this health anxiety and start enjoying my life again? And does it sound like I have something sinister going on inside my body?

Please if somebody could reply I would be so grateful. I'm pretty desperate now.

Thank you xx