View Full Version : Howdy Doody

07-12-04, 00:09
Hi all.

I'm Joe - the newest kid on the block. I'm 44, from Renfrewshire Scotland & work as a manager with a multi-national company.

Reading some of the other posts, I've been really impressed by the effort to stay upbeat & constructive. (I suppose we all know the importance of that).

Sorry if I bring the mood down with this post.

Since this time last year, I've been struggling with, (according to the medics), an acute anxiety disorder with a secondary depression. I don't remember the last day I was symptom-free.

Most days I've been reduced at least once to a cowering wreck hunched up in a corner somewhere.

GP support has been limited to dispensing a succession of anti-depressants, only to find out the hard way that I'm over-sensitive to them. (For me, I think that's the cruelest part. Fluoxetine, Citalopram, Venlaxafine have only made things worse since May). Just now, I'm barely clinging on using betablockers & trazodone.

My company's Occ Health Dept have been terrific, but they won't let me return to work at present - thats been 7 months off & every minute has felt like hell.

I'm sure I'll feel a bit chirpier when I post again



At least I tried, G*d-d*mmit.....at least I did that....

07-12-04, 09:31
Hi Joe,

I'm sorry to read that you've been having such a difficult time this year.

If you feel you can share a bit more about what triggered this, whats been happening over the last months and what symptoms in particular you are experiencing then we'll try to help you find you a way through it

Are you geting support from your friends and family ?

Have you had any type of counselling / therapy in this time ?

First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Thoughts : Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)

You don't have to feel chirpy at all to post here- just tell it as it is.

Take care


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

07-12-04, 11:48
Hi Joe,

A big warm well to you. You will find lots of support and useful info on this site.

Take Care,

Love PIP's XX

07-12-04, 11:57
Hi Joe

Welcome to the forum and website.

Let's hope that we can get you back on track again with some support and advice from here and the website.

Take some time to read some of the info on the website and then you can come here and ask any questions or simply vent off.

We don't mind what mood you are in when you post so don't worry about that ok.

Welcome aboard anyway.


07-12-04, 12:39
hi Joe,

Welcome to the forum!! So sorry to hear what a bad year you have had. It all sounds very familiar lol. Meds don't suit all of us and unfortunately it's mostly a case of trial and error. Hopefully the worst is behind you now and you can benefit from finding help and support on this site. Take care and let us know how you are getting on.

Sarah :D

07-12-04, 12:54
Hi Joe

Welcome to the site. I'm sorry you've been having such a bad time. I'm sure you'll get a lot of help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

07-12-04, 19:48
Hi joeim sandra a relativlty new member and finding this site very helpful just talkin to people who suffer the sameas us.Dont post must i just read cos i find it very hard to put my feelings into words.Im on citalopram ,dont get me wrong they did help but only minimize.But believe it or not i came out in a rash a few weeks ago went to doc and he gave me antrax an antihiss tab ,althought it makin me tired i feel a hundred times better its relaxing me but the same time im able to attend my work and do my job suffice .HOPE TO HEAR HOW UR DOIN LUV SANDRA XXX

09-12-04, 10:05
Hi Joe

A big WELCOME to the site.

Sorry to here what you are going through,
but always remember you are not alone.

There are lots of nice people here who will
help and support you.



Don't dwell on what went wrong instead,
focus on what to do next.
Spend your energies on moving forward.